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Author: Ivan Revelli

Digital solution partner

TCriticalSection Threrad Example Delphi

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Custom message SSH before login prompt in Linux

  Tested on ubuntu 18.04 server  The file /etc/ is a text file which contains a message or system identification to be printed before the login prompt of a telnet session. It may contain various ‘%-char’ (or, alternatively, ‘\-char’) sequences. The common char for output some informations are:

If you want to display your IP Configuration…
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Delphi Linux Daemon

Delphi Linux … create a background process… daemon service stay tuned

Testing Supermicro E50-9AP with ubuntu 20.04 LTS

    In collaboration with PegasoTeam we have just tested the fantastic Supermicro E50-9AP model with the newest version of Ubuntu server and desktop. The SYS-E50-9AP-WIFI if avilable on Synaptica shop at this link We took the Supermicro E50-9AP model with the intel 8265 wifi module supplied by Supermicro and we tested it thoroughly. The…
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Apache enable compress on reverse proxy

Through Apache it is possible to enable the compression of the contents before they are sent to the http client (browser generally), all this through the “mod_deflate” module. To enable the deflate module you need to run the “a2enmod deflate” command and restart the apache service. A very interesting thing is that this functionality is…
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Apache – redirect HTTP2HTTPS

Per eseguire il “rewrite”, per redirigere tutte le richieste http ad https di un dominio e di tutti i suoi sottodomini è sufficiente abilitare il “rewriteEngine” e inserire la condizione di rewrite e la corrispondente regola. Nel seguente esempio il dominio “” e tutti i suoi sottodomini “*” vengono rediretti verso i corrispondenti in https.…
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