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Category: Sistemi

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Understanding Network Configurations in KVM: Bridged vs. Macvtap Networking

Le reti bridged e macvtap sono due tecnologie utilizzate per connettere le VM alle reti fisiche in modo diverso. Ecco una spiegazione delle differenze principali: Bridged Networking Descrizione: Una rete bridged connette direttamente l’interfaccia di rete della VM alla rete fisica dell’host attraverso un bridge (ponte). Il bridge funziona come uno switch di rete virtuale,…
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regreSSHion Vulnerability in OpenSSH: Impact on Ubuntu and Solutions

The vulnerability named “regreSSHion” (CVE-2024-6387) affects the OpenSSH daemon (sshd) from versions 8.5p1 to 9.8p1. Discovered and reported by Qualys, this flaw allows unauthenticated remote code execution by exploiting an insecure asynchronous function called when LoginGraceTime expires. Affected Ubuntu Versions Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Ubuntu 23.10 Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Previous versions are not impacted. Resolution Update…
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Enable Office365 basic auth for specific domains

BasicAuth for Microsoft Office365 is deprecated. But if you have a WebDav share in your lan that use the user/password auth method you can add your domain to a “BasicAllowList” on your Office settings. To add your domain in your Office365 you need to edit your Windows Registy via regEdit. Suppose you have Xtumble as…
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Install Firebird 5.0 over Ubuntu 22.04

Firebird 5.0 brings with it a remarkable series of improvements from many points of view, from performance to security to the management of parallel backups and restores. You can find these well described at the following link: So, let’s get down to business, let’s install Firebird 5.0 on a nice Ubuntu 22.04 machine in…
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Ubuntu 22.04 configure Access Point by shell commands

Set up an Access Point in minutes with Ubuntu / Linux usually even without a graphical interface.

Linux Tips – How to – Install Samba Server on Ubuntu 22.04 desktop & server

Install samba server:

backup config filee:

create a shared folder for your user, like:

edit samba config file:

replace all smb.conf with this:

restart samba:

associarte a samba password to your systemm user:

restart samba:

Mount your share in MS Windows via shell by create a new…
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