L’obiettivo era quello di connettersi a livello programmatico ad una specifica WiFi da qui è sorta l’esigenza di gestire in modo completo la classe Java WifiManager. Nei tre metodi principali riportati di seguito avremo: riconoscimento dell’IP Address assegnato alla porta wifi Elenco delle Wifi disponibili (quelle che il dispositivo riconosce) Elenco delle configurazioni WiFi salvate…
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Following this tutorial you’ll be able to configure your RaspBerryPi model 3 to accept incoming connections using its built-it WiFi antenna and to forward the requests to the Ethernet port. Requirements 1x RaspBerryPi model 3 (earlier versions will not work unless you have a WiFi dongle. In that case, just follow this Adafruit tutorial) 1x…
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To find a file in the Android Shell “ADB” you can use this command: # busybox find “filetosearch” you can do the same with # ls -R | grep “filetosearch” but you can’t see the directory where is the file
DKLang è un package per Delphi relativo alla gestione dell’internazionalizzazione delle applicazioni. E’ composto da un insieme di componenti, classi e tools veramente ridotto ma efficace, il tool è open source e compatibile con tutte le piattaforme di sviluppo di Delphi (Windows,MacOSX,iOS,Android e Linux) sia per Firemonkey che VCL. Le versioni del tool sono scaricabile…
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Changing the text property of a tree item in Firemonkey is really simple, you only need to do this: tiC := TTreeViewItem.Create(); tiC.Text := ‘BLA BLA’; tiC.StyledSettings := []; tiC.TextSettings.FontColor := TAlphaColorRec.Blue; tiC.Parent := ParentItem; tiC.TagString := ; tiC.Tag := ;
The popular development platform “Rad Studio” Embarcadero reaches the 10.2 version of Linux reintroduction as a supported platform. At the moment the only compilation target for linux x86 64bit, which to me is very tight, because it is a native environment the target that I would have loved to ARM’s 32/64-bit fast to develop modules…
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