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Category: Sistemi Operativi

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Upgrade OpenSSH Server on your Ubuntu Distro manually (tested omn 22.04 LTS)

Upgrading OpenSSH server on your Ubuntu distribution manually can be necessary when the default repositories do not provide the latest version. Follow these steps to manually upgrade OpenSSH server on Ubuntu. Step 1: Download the Latest Version First, download the latest version of OpenSSH:

Step 2: Remove the Existing Installation Stop the current SSH…
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Enable Office365 basic auth for specific domains

BasicAuth for Microsoft Office365 is deprecated. But if you have a WebDav share in your lan that use the user/password auth method you can add your domain to a “BasicAllowList” on your Office settings. To add your domain in your Office365 you need to edit your Windows Registy via regEdit. Suppose you have Xtumble as…
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Ubuntu 22.04 configure Access Point by shell commands

Set up an Access Point in minutes with Ubuntu / Linux usually even without a graphical interface.

First test on Ubuntu 22.04 <--> Delphi 11.1

  Test Ubuntu 22.04: Ubuntu 22.04 Server distro for Intel / AMD x64 on virtualization environments (all configured with 4core and 2virt, 8GB, 40GB SSD): VMWare Fusion for MacOSX  –> passed no issue  VMWare Workstation –> passed no issue KVM –> passed no issue Ubuntu 22.04 Server on this hardware conf: Dell T440 Intel Xeon…
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Configure a NFS share in your LAN with Ubuntu 20.04

Configuring NFS Server: Installing NFS services on your ubuntu system

configure mount folders and define sub nets can access to

/etc/export sample:

Verify export options

Configure your MS-Windows 10 client:   Configure your MacOSX client:

    Configure your Ubuntu client:   Install requirements and create your mount…
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Windows kill application programmatically

To force quit an application by application name in MS-Windows you can use “taskkill” command. To kill an application by app name using taskkill you can write:

In this example we kill our application “JuliuS” .