Via Cà Matta 2 - Peschiera Borromeo (MI)
+39 02 00704272

Categoria: Sistemi Operativi

Digital Innovation Partner

Linux Tip of the day: Copying Files by pattern to a Temporary Directory with a Shell Command

Have you ever needed to copy specific files from a series of directories that match a certain pattern? If so, here’s a shell command that might be just what you need!

🔍 Here’s What This Command Does: find . -type d -name ‘AXR*’ -exec find {} -type f \;: This part of the command…
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Upgrade OpenSSH Server on your Ubuntu Distro manually ( tested on 22.04 LTS )

Upgrading OpenSSH server on your Ubuntu distribution manually can be necessary when the default repositories do not provide the latest version. Follow these steps to manually upgrade OpenSSH server on Ubuntu. Step 1: Download the Latest Version First, download the latest version of OpenSSH:

Step 2: Remove the Existing Installation Stop the current SSH…
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SSL Certificate – Extract crt and key from pfx cert file

How to Convert a PFX Certificate to PEM and Extract the CRT File In this article, I will show you how to convert a PFX certificate to PEM format and extract the CRT file using OpenSSL. Follow these simple steps to complete the operation. 1. Extract the Private Key from the PFX File First, we…
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Enable Office365 basic auth for specific domains

BasicAuth for Microsoft Office365 is deprecated. But if you have a WebDav share in your lan that use the user/password auth method you can add your domain to a “BasicAllowList” on your Office settings. To add your domain in your Office365 you need to edit your Windows Registy via regEdit. Suppose you have Xtumble as…
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Are you ready to deploy apps for VisionOS?

After updating our XtumbleRetail application to the iOS 16.4 SDK version and starting publishing on the Apple Store, Apple’s developer portal offered us a new publishing platform available…. VisionOS.   Embarcadero Delphi proves to be an increasingly key tool for us, with a single code we are able to publish on all platforms. And for…
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Ubuntu 22.04 configure Access Point by shell commands

Configure access point WiFi in minutes