Hi, I think might be helpful, today for a customer i do the Haversine formulas for Firebird Sql as a stored procedure. This formula allow you to calculate the distance in meter between two WGS84 datum points(degree points of Earth). You can call the procedure like this: SELECT * FROM HAVERSINE_GENERIC(1, 45,474081, 9,179348, 45,456091, 9)…
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Remode Manager is a particular Web Server that lets you send commands to your Android device . All commands are interpreted by Remode simple http API . Among these controls are also APIs to read and write to a serial cable OTG . It is full done with Delphi 10Seattle except for an Extrnal jar…
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BestWishesfor a happyXmas and a 2016full of ideas and projects! TeamSynaptica
Here is a sample code (function) to get the current language (locale) in Delphi 10Seattle. This simple procedure return the locale language for Windows, Mac and Android. function GetOSLangID: String; {$IFDEF MACOS} var Languages: NSArray; begin Languages := TNSLocale.OCClass.preferredLanguages; Result := TNSString.Wrap(Languages.objectAtIndex(0)).UTF8String; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ANDROID} var LocServ: IFMXLocaleService; begin if TPlatformServices.Current.SupportsPlatformService(IFMXLocaleService, IInterface(LocServ)) then Result :=…
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Hi developers! We’ve just released a new tool called Remode. Remode allows you to have a full remote control of your PC and/or Mac. When Remode Manager is up and running on your PC or Mac, you can use a simple browser or our Android App (Ios work in progress) to give commands. Android App…
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This post taken from stack overflow is very very useful to save a lot of time and coding! http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28305745/textview-scrolling-is-resetting-when-i-update-a-different-textview-from-the-same The problem is that the horizontal scroll animation on an Android TextView in mode ellipsize marquee is reset every time in the containing layout something changes when a relative size is set on the TextView (MATCH_PARENT…
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