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Author: Ivan Revelli

Digital solution partner

Ubuntu LTS update Apache2 to the lastest version via SSH

To update Apache2 to the lasted version on Ubuntu is quite simpe:     Verify current Apache version:  

Add Apache repository:

Update apt:

Upgrade apt:

  And now ( in my case, with Ubuntu 22.04 current date) my new Apache2 release is:  

Linux Tips – How to – Install Samba Server on Ubuntu 22.04 desktop & server

Install samba server:

backup config filee:

create a shared folder for your user, like:

edit samba config file:

replace all smb.conf with this:

restart samba:

associarte a samba password to your systemm user:

restart samba:

Mount your share in MS Windows via shell by create a new…
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Delphi TThread Synchronization

How to execute a method inside a TThread synchronously with the main Thread of the application is quite simple. Suppose we want to synchronize access to a count variable, we can use the TThread.Synchronize and TThread.Queue methods. The TThread.Syncronize method immediately executes the method interrupting the execution of the main Thread immediately while the TThread.Queue…
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ChatGPT & Delphi – OpenAI Chat

Today I tried to talk about programming with chatGPT…. and I must say I was amazed First I asked him for the code for a web server in Delphi: Then I asked him to add support for SSL Then if you give me an example of Machine Learning in Delphi Then I asked him what he…
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Remote Desktop Protocol RDP

Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol ( RDP )  è forse il più usato tra i sistemi per gestire il desktop remoto, e risulta anche essere uno tra i più veloci e smart da usare. RDP lavora di base sulla porta TCP 3389 ed è nativo in tutti gli ambienti MS-Windows, anche per Linux sono disponibili diversi…
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