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Author: Ivan Revelli

Digital solution partner

Firebird SQL – Verify if a string contains digit (number char)

From version 2.5 Firebird introduces the “SIMILAR TO” predicate which allows you to apply a subset of regular expressions in an SQL condition. The documentation of the “SIMILAR TO” predicate is available at If we wanted to check if there are numbers (DIGIT) inside a string, i.e. characters from ‘0’ to ‘9’ we could…
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Delphi VCL highlights word in visual components programmatically

Highlights word in a RichView component programmatically:  

How to highlitgh full cell in a DBGrid:


Configure Open VPN over PFSense 2.5

Configuring an OpenVPN over pfSense is quite simple. In this video you can see, how to configure a VPN on the lastest release of pfSense using the VPN Wizard.

Subversion over Ubuntu Server 20.04

Configure svn server over Apache2, using https.

  now let’s set the password of the first user:

  configuriamo gli accessi:

  we configure the accesses to the svn folders

  Apache restart:


Delphi …. retrive locale format setting

TFormatsettings is record type in Delphi which is used to get or set local information’s like DateTimeFormat, CurrencyFormat, DecimalSeparator etc. wich is declared in System.SysUtils. For Example you need to retrive your current DecimalSeparator:

If you need to force some local settings for conversions you can do for example:

If you want to…
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Firebird 3 – How to get record number of dataset

How to get record number of dataset using row_number window function with over().

Example of record number of dataset with even and odd column sorting.