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Category: Software

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Linking Error E2597 in Delphi std::__ndk1::__next_prime(unsigned int)

  Solution to Linking Error E2597 in Delphi When developing applications in Delphi, you might encounter linking errors. One common error is:

Introduction The E2597 error can be caused by various factors, including: Incorrect runtime package configurations. Missing dependencies or conflicts between libraries. Incorrect inclusion of static libraries, such as libc++. Issues with Static…
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XTumbleMagazzino: Now Compatible with Android 14 and SDK 14! Thanks to Delphi 12.1

  XtumbleMagazzino has been updated to support Android 14 and SDK 34! This means that your app will continue to run smoothly on the latest devices and you will be able to access the latest Android features. Android 14 e l’SDK 14!  Easy update with Delphi v12.1 Thanks to Delphi v12.1, updating XTumbleMagazzino to SDK…
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Enable Office365 basic auth for specific domains

BasicAuth for Microsoft Office365 is deprecated. But if you have a WebDav share in your lan that use the user/password auth method you can add your domain to a “BasicAllowList” on your Office settings. To add your domain in your Office365 you need to edit your Windows Registy via regEdit. Suppose you have Xtumble as…
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Xtumble Drive: Manage your documents collaboratively and smartly

Il Drive di Xtumble permette di gestire i documenti in modo collaborativo, utilizzando gli strumenti con cui siete abituati a lavorare.

Windows kill application programmatically

To force quit an application by application name in MS-Windows you can use “taskkill” command. To kill an application by app name using taskkill you can write:

In this example we kill our application “JuliuS” .

Xtumble Web Builder 2 for Windows x86 32bit

Xtumble Web Builder 2 is the basic tool with which we customize all the WEB experience of the applications built on the brand new cloud business platform Xtumble and with which we have created the e-commerce visible on To allow developers / designers / web developers to be able to customize the applications published…
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