Apple MacOSX is a fantastic OS, when your app goes in the background it consumes few resources, this is a fantastic thing if you do not plan to run processes in the background or if it is not a server application. To avoid that your application is not slowed down I have created a very…
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Delphi is truly a cool development environment, with the right libraries it becomes unbeatable. Now with version 11 and all the IDE in HDPI it is a pleasure to work with. fmxLinux is the library that comes with Delphi to allow you to create visual applications on Linux with Firemonkey and it works great. TMS…
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To force quit an application by application name in MS-Windows you can use “taskkill” command. To kill an application by app name using taskkill you can write:
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taskkill /f /t /im julius.exe |
In this example we kill our application “JuliuS” .
To detect device orientation change, you can use the following example:
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uses System.Messaging, FMX.Platform; var FId: Integer; // Subscribe to TOrientationChangedMessage FId := TMessageManager.DefaultManager.SubscribeToMessage(TOrientationChangedMessage, DoOrientationChanged); // Write orientation change handler: procedure TMyForm.DoOrientationChanged(const Sender: TObject; const M: TMessage); var s: IFMXScreenService; begin if TPlatformServices.Current.SupportsPlatformService(IFMXScreenService, s) then begin case s.GetScreenOrientation of TScreenOrientation.Portrait: ; TScreenOrientation.Landscape: ; TScreenOrientation.InvertedPortrait: ; TScreenOrientation.InvertedLandscape: ; end; end; end; // Unsubscribe the TOrientationChangedMessage TMessageManager.DefaultManager.Unsubscribe(TOrientationChangedMessage, FId); |
Xtumble Web Builder 2 is the basic tool with which we customize all the WEB experience of the applications built on the brand new cloud business platform Xtumble and with which we have created the e-commerce visible on To allow developers / designers / web developers to be able to customize the applications published…
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Xtumble Web Builder 2 is the basic tool with which we customize all the WEB experience of the applications built on the brand new cloud business platform Xtumble and with which we have created the e-commerce visible on . To allow developers / designers / web developers to be able to customize the applications…
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