Via Cà Matta 2 - Peschiera Borromeo (MI)
+39 02 00704272


Digital solution partner

XtumbleMagazzino è disponibile su Apple Store

Application: Xtumble Warehouse Mission: To enable the search and coding of items, inventory creation, and stock management. Development Environment: Embarcadero Delphi 12 Ent. Offline Operation: Yes Local Database: Interbase 2020 ibtogo Version 1.2.2 News: Multilingual support, currently available in Italian and English. Improved QR and Barcode scanning management. Enhanced image management. If you try it,…
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Xtumble Retail – Fiscal Cash Register for iOS and Android

Version Update Version News: Improved barcode search for articles Enhanced management of article search filters Updated compatibility with Android 13 and IOS 17 Simplified onboarding and new account creation Special discount available until March 2024 Visit the dedicated page at the link: for further information, or search for it in the stores. Transform your…
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Login in your app with Google Signin on Android programmatically with Delphi

Delphi Android App retrive locale from SO

Snippet to get default language from the destination device: tested on Linguaggio: Delphi 12.0 Android: 6.0 up to 13


Invia SMS via Seriale – Modulo SIM800C – SIMCom GSM/GPRS Module

I have a Linux Ubuntu 22.04 system and I want to send messages via the device “SIM800C – SIMCom GSM/GPRS Module”. I connect it to the system via USB – UART, using standard “AT” commands( Hayes AT command set ), specifically on this blog : which explains the most modern AT commands relating to…
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Xtumble Drive: Manage your documents collaboratively and smartly

Il Drive di Xtumble permette di gestire i documenti in modo collaborativo, utilizzando gli strumenti con cui siete abituati a lavorare.