[iframe style=”margin-left: 120px;” width=”100%” height=”350px” src=””] To create this calculator we define the spaces where we will place our elements (numbers and operations) and include them in the div tag. We use an input text for the task view. Style (CSS) of the calculator was defined in line to the file, it can be integrated with an external file…
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select PK_ID from USERS start with FK_USER_PARENT = PK_USER connect by prior PK_ID = FK_USER_PARENT;
int2hex example in delphi: var str : string; // hex value b : byte; begin b := 15; str := system.sysutils.inttohex(b,2); end; // the result in str will be : ‘0F’ hex2int example: var strHexVal : string; // hex value intVal : integer; begin strHexVal := ‘0F’; intVal := StrToInt(‘$’ + strHexVal); end; // the…
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