RadStudio 10.4 is a release that promises great things in all areas of this fantastic development environment. Taking a first test run we noticed: In FMX applications we have noticed a noticeable improvement in character rendering The new LSP (language server protocol) system seems to have made the IDE even more fluid and productive during…
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Hide element on click outside, is a must-have functionality for the dropdown menu. Apart from that, it also used in some situations where you need to hide div when the user clicks outside of this element. You can easily hide div or element when click outside of it using jQuery. In the example code snippet,…
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TThreadedMsgEvent = class( TThread ) private FLock : TCriticalSection; FStr : TQueue<String>; FMemo : TMemo; function GetEvent : String; protected procedure Execute; override; public procedure AddEvent( aMsg : String ); constructor Create( AMemo: TMemo ); destructor Destroy; override; end; implementation { TThreadedMsgEvent } procedure TThreadedMsgEvent.AddEvent(aMsg: String); begin FLock.Acquire; FStr.Enqueue( FormatDateTime('DD/MM/YY HH:NN:SS.ZZZ',Now)+ ' : '+ aMsg ); FLock.Release; end; constructor TThreadedMsgEvent.Create(aMemo: TMemo); begin inherited Create(True); FreeOnTerminate := False; FOnMessage := ACallBack; FStr := TQueue<String>.Create(); FLock := TCriticalSection.Create; FMemo := aMemo; Resume; end; destructor TThreadedMsgEvent.Destroy; override; begin FreeAndNil( FStr ); FreeAndNil( FLock ); end; procedure TThreadedMsgEvent.Execute; begin while not Terminated do begin try if (FStr.Count > 0) then begin if Assigned( aMemo ) then begin TThread.synchronize( procedure begin FMemo.Lines.Add( GetEvent ); end; ); end; end; except end; TThread.Sleep(1); end; end; function TThreadedMsgEvent.GetEvent: String; begin FLock.Acquire; result := FStr.Dequeue; FLock.Release; end; |
From post found at: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17506615/how-to-handle-log-in-a-threaded-manner-in-delphi
Tested on ubuntu 18.04 server The file /etc/issue.net is a text file which contains a message or system identification to be printed before the login prompt of a telnet session. It may contain various ‘%-char’ (or, alternatively, ‘\-char’) sequences. The common char for output some informations are:
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b Insert the baudrate of the current line. d Insert the current date. s Insert the system name, the name of the operating system. l Insert the name of the current tty line. m Insert the architecture identifier of the machine, e.g., i686. n Insert the nodename of the machine, also known as the hostname. o Insert the domainname of the machine. r Insert the release number of the kernel, e.g., t Insert the current time. u Insert the number of current users logged in. U Insert the string "1 user" or "<n> users" where <n> is the number of current users logged in. v Insert the version of the OS, e.g., the build-date etc. |
If you want to display your IP Configuration…
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Delphi Linux … create a background process… daemon service stay tuned https://chapmanworld.com/2017/04/05/creating-a-linux-daemon-service-in-delphi/ http://blog.paolorossi.net/2017/07/11/building-a-real-linux-daemon-with-delphi-part-1-2/ http://blog.paolorossi.net/2017/09/04/building-a-real-linux-daemon-with-delphi-part-2/
In collaboration with PegasoTeam we have just tested the fantastic Supermicro E50-9AP model with the newest version of Ubuntu server and desktop. The SYS-E50-9AP-WIFI if avilable on Synaptica shop at this link We took the Supermicro E50-9AP model with the intel 8265 wifi module supplied by Supermicro and we tested it thoroughly. The…
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