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Author: Ivan Revelli

Digital solution partner

Delphi XE5 – Share JCalendar Event on Android

The Java TimeInMills is similar to UnixTime but is in Millisenconds, so to convert it :

Remote contro of VMWare Workstation 9.x up to 16.x via vmrun

VMWare Workstation 9 on Windows and Linux provides command line commands to manage the status of virtual machines, all through a single “vmrun” command. This commands are also tested on VMWare Workstation 16. For example in Linux to make a virtual machine suffer you can connect to the shell where your VMWare Workstation is installed…
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best GUI for mySQL

Hello, after so many tools tested, I tried dbforge which in my opinion is the best, first of all there is the “express” version which is free and at the same time very complete. In addition, there is also a paid version whose prices are more than affordable. For those interested, the link to the…
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ClipArt & Icons for All – other repository

Canva is a service that allows you to create effective graphic projects quickly and easily. Within the portal there is also a section where hundreds of free icons and clipart are available at https : // . With Canva you can also create graphic projects directly online using your resources (uploading files and videos) or…
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Delphi – Indy idTCPServer and idTCPClient

This is a simple example for usign Nevrona Indy components in Delphi to create a small server application using TCP/IP protocol. TO simplify we can build an example where there is a Server Application that recive a string from a Client App. and then return that string to the Client , but we use streams…
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Hand made Url Encode or Decode

Sometime happen that you need to encode or decode an url manually , so not soo much characters need to be converteted to encode or decode an url string. In this post some example you can drag and use or modify. In recent version of Delphi you can use standard Delphi routine contained in the…
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