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Author: Ivan Revelli

Digital solution partner

Xtumble4Delphi – not a simple API framework

Xtumble library for Delphi Xtumble4Delphi is native delphi library, cross platform ( Windows, Android, iOS, macOSX, Linux64) that allow you to integrate all cloud functonalitty of the XTumble platform in your application. If you create an XTumble Account you can have a dedicated ERP, e-commerce, Cluod Drive, CRM Mail with SMTP and POS system in the cluod. Creating an…
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Xtumble aggiornamento server del 24 – 12 -2020

Ieri è stato rilasciato il modulo server Xtumble “FEBatchEngine” di gestione delle fatture elettroniche, adeguato alle nuove normative previste dal protocollo 1.6.2 ADE. Quindi da oggi Xtumble è adeguato all’invio e la ricezione delle fatture elettroniche con il nuovo formato XML 1.6. La modifica ha comportato l’aggiornamento alla nuova versione della libreria eInvoice4D , nota…
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SmartFB -a new version is avilable….

SmartFB is our internal tool to manage Firebird & Interbase databases, so we use smartFB instead IBExpert. SmartFB is a simple VCL program that we use to have an access to our databases in every PC and Virtual Machines where we not need a simple access to our databases. So we integrate in smartFB some…
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Delphi FMXLinux – Create Launcher Icon

With FMXLinux and the latest versions of Delphi it is very easy to build a Linux application. The object of this post is to create a desktop icon and a favorite to make your application launchable from the gnome desktop. In my case I have created a POS (Point of Sale) application demominated XtumbleRetail and…
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Delphi NetHttpClient Basic Auth

First method: if (mUsername <> ”) and (mPassword <> ”) then begin LCredentials := TCredentialsStorage.TCredential.Create (TAuthTargetType.Server, ”, mURL, ”, ”); LCredentials.Username := mUsername; LCredentials.Password := mPassword; NetHTTPClient1.CredentialsStorage.AddCredential(LCredentials); NetHTTPClient1.UseDefaultCredentials := false; end;   Second one: procedure TForm3.NetHTTPClient1AuthEvent(const Sender: TObject; AnAuthTarget: TAuthTargetType; const ARealm, AURL: string; var AUserName, APassword: string; var AbortAuth: Boolean; var Persistence: TAuthPersistenceType); begin…
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Embarcadero – IBTogo License Registration

If you purchased an IBTogo License, to use it inside you program you need to do : On Android / IOS : go to: Insert your license code and serial and you can get reg_ibtogo.txt, after that you put this file in deployment of your project and the destiniation dir need to be /