To detect device orientation change, you can use the following example: uses System.Messaging, FMX.Platform; var FId: Integer; // Subscribe to TOrientationChangedMessage FId := TMessageManager.DefaultManager.SubscribeToMessage(TOrientationChangedMessage, DoOrientationChanged); // Write orientation change handler: procedure TMyForm.DoOrientationChanged(const Sender: TObject; const M: TMessage); var s: IFMXScreenService; begin if TPlatformServices.Current.SupportsPlatformService(IFMXScreenService, s) then begin case s.GetScreenOrientation of TScreenOrientation.Portrait: ; TScreenOrientation.Landscape: ; TScreenOrientation.InvertedPortrait: ;…
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The evolution of KVM and qemu is constant. To increase the size of a qcow2 disk just follow the steps below: Shut down the virtual machine Resize the image with qemu-img resize image.qcow2 +SIZE where SIZE is the size (e.g. 30G for 30 gibibytes). Boot into an external live OS and resize the partition. So if you…
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Xtumble Web Builder 2 is the basic tool with which we customize all the WEB experience of the applications built on the brand new cloud business platform Xtumble and with which we have created the e-commerce visible on To allow developers / designers / web developers to be able to customize the applications published…
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With the advent of netplan it is possible to manage the routing for each network interface in a simple way. For example, if we have a VM connected to two separate LANs with two network cards and obviously two gateways we have to manage the routing of packets, because Linux is known to…
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Xtumble Web Builder 2 is the basic tool with which we customize all the WEB experience of the applications built on the brand new cloud business platform Xtumble and with which we have created the e-commerce visible on . To allow developers / designers / web developers to be able to customize the applications…
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With Delphi you can create your own applications for Mac OSX 64Bit and distribute them both via the Mac App Store and independently using the Developer ID distribution method. In this article we will see how to distribute an app through the “Notarization” procedure of the app to be able to distribute it independently, even…
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