If you purchased an IBTogo License, to use it inside you program you need to do : On Android / IOS : go to: https://reg.embarcadero.com/srs6/activation.do Insert your license code and serial and you can get reg_ibtogo.txt, after that you put this file in deployment of your project and the destiniation dir need to be /
In linux every adapter configuration has a file system path, for example the adapter eth0 has all configuration, in some text files located in “/sys/class/net/eth0/”. The file whose name is “address” contains a single line with the mac adrress value.
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function GetLinuxMacAddress(device_name : String): string; const linux_path = '/sys/class/net/%s/address'; var f : textfile; device, path, addr : string; begin Result := ''; path := Format(linux_path,[device_name]); if (not FileExists(path)) then begin Result := ''; end else begin AssignFile(f, path); reset(f); readln(f, addr); closefile(f); Result := addr; end; end; |
In Synaptica, sustainability and low environmental impact are fundamental values shared naturally by all of us. The passion for nature, animals and the environment have always led us to keep an eye on the environment. This vision also led us to make initially more difficult choices (usually as an initial investment) but which turned out…
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TMiaStruttura = record case integer of 0 : (content : array[0..19] of char); 1 : ( primidue : array[0..1] of char; dalduealquattro : array[0..1] of char; cognome : array[0..15] of char; ) end; |
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procedure TForm7.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin a.content := '0123456789ABCDEFGHIL'; ShowMessage(a.dalduealquattro); a.dalduealquattro := 'BB'; ShowMessage(a.content); end; |
thank’s to my self obviusly
Manage a System.string as buffer to copy content of string into a generic TStream:
1 |
Stream.Write(Str[1], StrLen * SizeOf(Str[1])); |
Unlike some multi-user environments most Ubuntu desktop users have the Operating System and drivers on their hard disks, SSDs or Live Boot USBs. There is a glitch where some users wait an extremely long time for network to come up during boot. In this case the recommendations is to set the maximum wait time to…
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