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Category: Programmazione

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RAD Studio 10.1 “Berlin”

Maybe most of you already heard the latest news, RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin shipped. There are a lot of good news in this version… and a lot of library are already able to be used with it. The official of embarcadero about Berlin is usefull libraries already available for Berlin are: The turbopack libraries…
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Firemonkey check screen orientation

To check with Delphi / Firemonkey if the screen is in Landscape or Portrait mode i use the FMXPlatform library as in the example: uses FMXPlatform; … procedure TForm2.FormResize(Sender: TObject); var ScreenService: IFMXScreenService; begin if TPlatformServices.Current.SupportsPlatformService(IFMXScreenService, IInterface(ScreenService)) then begin if ScreenService.GetScreenOrientation in [TScreenOrientation.soPortrait, TScreenOrientation.soInvertedPortrait] then ShowMessage(‘Portrait Orientation’) else Begin ShowMessage(‘Landscape Orientation’); End; end; end;

Firemonkey bitmap scaling without Aliasing on Android

With Delphi , to the Seattle version , when you scale a bitmap image to enlarge using the command “Canvas.DrawBitmap(OiginalBitmap, RectF(0, 0, OiginalBitmap.Width, OiginalBitmap.Height), RectF(0, 0, Width, Height), 1, False);” the interpolation cant be disabled. A way to eliminate the problem is to manually scale the bitmap directly creating an image pixel by pixel .…
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TIPS for developing Delphi 10Seattle Apps on Apple environment

With Delphi 10Seattle can easily create beautiful applications for Mac OSX and iOS , it will be biased but The Delphi IDE is now truly exceptional ; First you need to configure the development environment , installing everything you need as well documented by Embarcadero . Once your environment is functioning well , this does…
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Delphi 10Seattle – Get current device language

Here is a sample code (function) to get the current language (locale) in Delphi 10Seattle. This simple procedure return the locale language for Windows, Mac and Android. function GetOSLangID: String; {$IFDEF MACOS} var Languages: NSArray; begin Languages := TNSLocale.OCClass.preferredLanguages; Result := TNSString.Wrap(Languages.objectAtIndex(0)).UTF8String; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ANDROID} var LocServ: IFMXLocaleService; begin if TPlatformServices.Current.SupportsPlatformService(IFMXLocaleService, IInterface(LocServ)) then Result :=…
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Firebird embedded on mac-osx

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