Xtumble library for Delphi Xtumble4Delphi is native delphi library, cross platform ( Windows, Android, iOS, macOSX, Linux64) that allow you to integrate all cloud functonalitty of the XTumble platform in your application. If you create an XTumble Account you can have a dedicated ERP, e-commerce, Cluod Drive, CRM Mail with SMTP and POS system in the cluod. Creating an…
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Using the JPackageInfo class is simple to retrive the version of your Android application. This class is already wrapped by Embarcadero in the following unit: Androidapi.JNI.GraphicsContentViewText {code} {$IFDEF ANDROID} var PackageManager: JPackageManager; PackageInfo: JPackageInfo; begin PackageManager := SharedActivityContext.getPackageManager; PackageInfo := PackageManager.getPackageInfo (SharedActivityContext.getPackageName, 0); result := JStringToString(PackageInfo.versionName); End; {$ENDIF}
L’obiettivo era quello di connettersi a livello programmatico ad una specifica WiFi da qui è sorta l’esigenza di gestire in modo completo la classe Java WifiManager. Nei tre metodi principali riportati di seguito avremo: riconoscimento dell’IP Address assegnato alla porta wifi Elenco delle Wifi disponibili (quelle che il dispositivo riconosce) Elenco delle configurazioni WiFi salvate…
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To find a file in the Android Shell “ADB” you can use this command: # busybox find “filetosearch” you can do the same with # ls -R | grep “filetosearch” but you can’t see the directory where is the file
Tested on Delphi 10 Seattle. by importing “ActivityManager” you can check the status of memory from you Android Applications, and check a lot of other things like if a process is running. here is the demo apk memtestandroid.apk and the source code : android_memorymanager_source unit Androidapi.JNI.ActivityManager; interface uses System.SysUtils, FMX.Helpers.Android, Androidapi.JNI.JavaTypes, Androidapi.JNIBridge, Androidapi.Helpers, Androidapi.JNI.GraphicsContentViewText, Androidapi.JNI.Os,…
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In Firemonkey you can manage the virtualkeyboard on your mobile applications. if you need that the keyboard not autoshow in your application when a text box is selected you can add this code: // uses FMX.Types // you can set TVKAutoShowMode = (DefinedBySystem, Never, Always); FMX.Types.VKAutoShowMode :=TVKAutoShowMode.vkasNever; obviusly to enable the virtual keyboard: // uses…
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