L’obiettivo era quello di connettersi a livello programmatico ad una specifica WiFi da qui è sorta l’esigenza di gestire in modo completo la classe Java WifiManager. Nei tre metodi principali riportati di seguito avremo: riconoscimento dell’IP Address assegnato alla porta wifi Elenco delle Wifi disponibili (quelle che il dispositivo riconosce) Elenco delle configurazioni WiFi salvate…
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To find a file in the Android Shell “ADB” you can use this command:
1 |
# busybox find "filetosearch" |
you can do the same with
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# ls -R | grep "filetosearch" |
but you can’t see the directory where is the file
DKLang è un package per Delphi relativo alla gestione dell’internazionalizzazione delle applicazioni. E’ composto da un insieme di componenti, classi e tools veramente ridotto ma efficace, il tool è open source e compatibile con tutte le piattaforme di sviluppo di Delphi (Windows,MacOSX,iOS,Android e Linux) sia per Firemonkey che VCL. Le versioni del tool sono scaricabile…
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Tested on Delphi 10 Seattle. by importing “ActivityManager” you can check the status of memory from you Android Applications, and check a lot of other things like if a process is running. here is the demo apk memtestandroid.apk and the source code : android_memorymanager_source
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unit Androidapi.JNI.ActivityManager; interface uses System.SysUtils, FMX.Helpers.Android, Androidapi.JNI.JavaTypes, Androidapi.JNIBridge, Androidapi.Helpers, Androidapi.JNI.GraphicsContentViewText, Androidapi.JNI.Os, Androidapi.JNI.App; type { Class forward declarations } JDebug_MemoryInfo = interface; JActivityManager_MemoryInfo = interface; JActivityManager_ProcessErrorStateInfo = interface; JActivityManager_RecentTaskInfo = interface; JActivityManager_RunningAppProcessInfo = interface; JActivityManager_RunningServiceInfo = interface; JActivityManager_RunningTaskInfo = interface; JActivityManager = interface; { http://developer.android.com/reference/android/os/Debug.MemoryInfo.html Added in API level 1 } JDebug_MemoryInfoClass = interface(JObjectClass) ['{E7545CF8-CFF5-40EE-9082-380FA48C4464}'] { Property Methods } function _GetCREATOR: JParcelable_Creator; { Methods } function init: JDebug_MemoryInfo; cdecl; { Properties } property CREATOR: JParcelable_Creator read _GetCREATOR; end; [JavaSignature('android/os/Debug$MemoryInfo')] JDebug_MemoryInfo = interface(JObject) ['{577F2E29-A53C-4A3C-8548-21F6D6001EF6}'] { Property Methods } function _GetdalvikPrivateDirty: Integer; procedure _SetdalvikPrivateDirty(Value: Integer); function _GetdalvikPss: Integer; procedure _SetdalvikPss(Value: Integer); function _GetdalvikSharedDirty: Integer; procedure _SetdalvikSharedDirty(Value: Integer); function _GetnativePrivateDirty: Integer; procedure _SetnativePrivateDirty(Value: Integer); function _GetnativePss: Integer; procedure _SetnativePss(Value: Integer); function _GetnativeSharedDirty: Integer; procedure _SetnativeSharedDirty(Value: Integer); function _GetotherPrivateDirty: Integer; procedure _SetotherPrivateDirty(Value: Integer); function _GetotherPss: Integer; procedure _SetotherPss(Value: Integer); function _GetotherSharedDirty: Integer; procedure _SetotherSharedDirty(Value: Integer); { Methods } // Added in API level 5 function describeContents: Integer; cdecl; // Added in API level 5 function getTotalPrivateDirty: Integer; cdecl; // Added in API level 5 function getTotalPss: Integer; cdecl; // Added in API level 5 function getTotalSharedDirty: Integer; cdecl; // Added in API level 5 procedure readFromParcel(source: JParcel); cdecl; // Added in API level 5 procedure writeToParcel(dest: JParcel; flags: Integer); cdecl; { Properties } property dalvikPrivateDirty: Integer read _GetdalvikPrivateDirty write _SetdalvikPrivateDirty; property dalvikPss: Integer read _GetdalvikPss write _SetdalvikPss; property dalvikSharedDirty: Integer read _GetdalvikSharedDirty write _SetdalvikSharedDirty; property nativePrivateDirty: Integer read _GetnativePrivateDirty write _SetnativePrivateDirty; property nativePss: Integer read _GetnativePss write _SetnativePss; property nativeSharedDirty: Integer read _GetnativeSharedDirty write _SetnativeSharedDirty; property otherPrivateDirty: Integer read _GetotherPrivateDirty write _SetotherPrivateDirty; property otherPss: Integer read _GetotherPss write _SetotherPss; property otherSharedDirty: Integer read _GetotherSharedDirty write _SetotherSharedDirty; end; TJDebug_MemoryInfo = class(TJavaGenericImport<JDebug_MemoryInfoClass, JDebug_MemoryInfo>) end; { http://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/ActivityManager.MemoryInfo.html Added in API level 1 } JActivityManager_MemoryInfoClass = interface(JObjectClass) ['{093B391C-56F6-47F9-96A5-CF4F4101F614}'] { Property Methods } function _GetCREATOR: JParcelable_Creator; { Methods } function init: JActivityManager_MemoryInfo; cdecl; { Properties } property CREATOR: JParcelable_Creator read _GetCREATOR; end; [JavaSignature('android/app/ActivityManager$MemoryInfo')] JActivityManager_MemoryInfo = interface(JObject) ['{B6B801F7-3E6F-4BF9-9952-8356A7026725}'] { Property Methods } function _GetavailMem: Int64; function _GetlowMemory: Boolean; function _Getthreshold: Int64; function _GettotalMem: Int64; { Methods } function describeContents: Integer; cdecl; procedure readFromParcel(source: JParcel); cdecl; procedure writeToParcel(dest: JParcel; flags: Integer); cdecl; { Properties } property availMem: Int64 read _GetavailMem; property lowMemory: Boolean read _GetlowMemory; property threshold: Int64 read _Getthreshold; // Added in API level 16 property totalMem: Int64 read _GettotalMem; end; TJActivityManager_MemoryInfo = class(TJavaGenericImport<JActivityManager_MemoryInfoClass, JActivityManager_MemoryInfo>) end; { http://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/ActivityManager.ProcessErrorStateInfo.html Added in API level 1 } JActivityManager_ProcessErrorStateInfoClass = interface(JObjectClass) ['{B2DDD02D-B205-4412-89B7-418BC28DA58D}'] { Property Methods } function _GetCREATOR: JParcelable_Creator; function _GetCRASHED: Integer; function _GetNOT_RESPONDING: Integer; function _GetNO_ERROR: Integer; { Methods } function init: JActivityManager_ProcessErrorStateInfo; cdecl; { Properties } property CREATOR: JParcelable_Creator read _GetCREATOR; property CRASHED: Integer read _GetCRASHED; property NOT_RESPONDING: Integer read _GetNOT_RESPONDING; property NO_ERROR: Integer read _GetNO_ERROR; end; [JavaSignature('android/app/ActivityManager$ProcessErrorStateInfo')] JActivityManager_ProcessErrorStateInfo = interface(JObject) ['{7406BE27-6395-44F4-8CC7-633375617A2A}'] { Property Methods } function _Getcondition: Integer; procedure _Setcondition(Value: Integer); function _GetcrashData: TJavaArray<Byte>; procedure _SetcrashData(Value: TJavaArray<Byte>); function _GetlongMsg: JString; procedure _SetlongMsg(Value: JString); function _Getpid: Integer; procedure _Setpid(Value: Integer); function _GetprocessName: JString; procedure _SetprocessName(Value: JString); function _GetshortMsg: JString; procedure _SetshortMsg(Value: JString); function _GetstackTrace: JString; procedure _SetstackTrace(Value: JString); function _Gettag: JString; procedure _Settag(Value: JString); function _Getuid: Integer; procedure _Setuid(Value: Integer); { Methods } function describeContents: Integer; cdecl; procedure readFromParcel(source: JParcel); cdecl; procedure writeToParcel(dest: JParcel; flags: Integer); cdecl; { Properties } property condition: Integer read _Getcondition write _Setcondition; property crashData: TJavaArray<Byte> read _GetcrashData write _SetcrashData; property longMsg: JString read _GetlongMsg write _SetlongMsg; property pid: Integer read _Getpid write _Setpid; property processName: JString read _GetprocessName write _SetprocessName; property shortMsg: JString read _GetshortMsg write _SetshortMsg; // Added in API level 8 property stackTrace: JString read _GetstackTrace write _SetstackTrace; property tag: JString read _Gettag write _Settag; property uid: Integer read _Getuid write _Setuid; end; TJActivityManager_ProcessErrorStateInfo = class(TJavaGenericImport<JActivityManager_ProcessErrorStateInfoClass, JActivityManager_ProcessErrorStateInfo>) end; { http://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/ActivityManager.RecentTaskInfo.html Added in API level 1 } JActivityManager_RecentTaskInfoClass = interface(JObjectClass) ['{4AE6025B-0BEA-4D81-8E3F-4EC6F7BA8EEF}'] { Property Methods } function _GetCREATOR: JParcelable_Creator; { Methods } function init: JActivityManager_RecentTaskInfo; cdecl; { Properties } property CREATOR: JParcelable_Creator read _GetCREATOR; end; [JavaSignature('android/app/ActivityManager$RecentTaskInfo')] JActivityManager_RecentTaskInfo = interface(JObject) ['{02A5EDBF-B7CC-4C63-BACD-0F1A195C6969}'] { Property Methods } function _GetbaseIntent: JIntent; procedure _SetbaseIntent(Value: JIntent); function _Getdescription: JCharSequence; procedure _Setdescription(Value: JCharSequence); function _Getid: Integer; procedure _Setid(Value: Integer); function _GetorigActivity: JComponentName; procedure _SetorigActivity(Value: JComponentName); function _GetpersistentId: Integer; procedure _SetpersistentId(Value: Integer); { Methods } function describeContents: Integer; cdecl; procedure readFromParcel(source: JParcel); cdecl; procedure writeToParcel(dest: JParcel; flags: Integer); cdecl; { Properties } property baseIntent: JIntent read _GetbaseIntent write _SetbaseIntent; // Added in API level 11 property description: JCharSequence read _Getdescription write _Setdescription; property id: Integer read _Getid write _Setid; property origActivity: JComponentName read _GetorigActivity write _SetorigActivity; // Added in API level 12 property persistentId: Integer read _GetpersistentId write _SetpersistentId; end; TJActivityManager_RecentTaskInfo = class(TJavaGenericImport<JActivityManager_RecentTaskInfoClass, JActivityManager_RecentTaskInfo>) end; { http://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo.html Added in API level 3 } JActivityManager_RunningAppProcessInfoClass = interface(JObjectClass) ['{F24C0121-C062-4A2B-9363-E97A50E2FC41}'] { Property Methods } function _GetCREATOR: JParcelable_Creator; function _GetIMPORTANCE_BACKGROUND: Integer; function _GetIMPORTANCE_EMPTY: Integer; function _GetIMPORTANCE_FOREGROUND: Integer; function _GetIMPORTANCE_PERCEPTIBLE: Integer; function _GetIMPORTANCE_SERVICE: Integer; function _GetIMPORTANCE_VISIBLE: Integer; function _GetREASON_PROVIDER_IN_USE: Integer; function _GetREASON_SERVICE_IN_USE: Integer; function _GetREASON_UNKNOWN: Integer; { Methods } function init: JActivityManager_RunningAppProcessInfo; cdecl; overload; function init(pProcessName: JString; pPid: Integer; pArr: TJavaObjectArray<JString>): JActivityManager_RunningAppProcessInfo; cdecl; overload; { Properties } property CREATOR: JParcelable_Creator read _GetCREATOR; property IMPORTANCE_BACKGROUND: Integer read _GetIMPORTANCE_BACKGROUND; property IMPORTANCE_EMPTY: Integer read _GetIMPORTANCE_EMPTY; property IMPORTANCE_FOREGROUND: Integer read _GetIMPORTANCE_FOREGROUND; // Added in API level 9 property IMPORTANCE_PERCEPTIBLE: Integer read _GetIMPORTANCE_PERCEPTIBLE; property IMPORTANCE_SERVICE: Integer read _GetIMPORTANCE_SERVICE; property IMPORTANCE_VISIBLE: Integer read _GetIMPORTANCE_VISIBLE; // Added in API level 5 property REASON_PROVIDER_IN_USE: Integer read _GetREASON_PROVIDER_IN_USE; // Added in API level 5 property REASON_SERVICE_IN_USE: Integer read _GetREASON_SERVICE_IN_USE; // Added in API level 5 property REASON_UNKNOWN: Integer read _GetREASON_UNKNOWN; end; [JavaSignature('android/app/ActivityManager$RunningAppProcessInfo')] JActivityManager_RunningAppProcessInfo = interface(JObject) ['{3E72F05C-6CF2-4971-B34B-5FE4C414913D}'] { Property Methods } function _Getimportance: Integer; procedure _Setimportance(Value: Integer); function _GetimportanceReasonCode: Integer; procedure _SetimportanceReasonCode(Value: Integer); function _GetimportanceReasonComponent: JComponentName; procedure _SetimportanceReasonComponent(Value: JComponentName); function _GetimportanceReasonPid: Integer; procedure _SetimportanceReasonPid(Value: Integer); function _GetlastTrimLevel: Integer; procedure _SetlastTrimLevel(Value: Integer); function _Getlru: Integer; procedure _Setlru(Value: Integer); function _Getpid: Integer; procedure _Setpid(Value: Integer); function _GetpkgList: TJavaObjectArray<JString>; procedure _SetpkgList(Value: TJavaObjectArray<JString>); function _GetprocessName: JString; procedure _SetprocessName(Value: JString); function _Getuid: Integer; procedure _Setuid(Value: Integer); { Methods } function describeContents: Integer; cdecl; procedure readFromParcel(source: JParcel); cdecl; procedure writeToParcel(dest: JParcel; flags: Integer); cdecl; { Properties } property importance: Integer read _Getimportance write _Setimportance; // Added in API level 5 property importanceReasonCode: Integer read _GetimportanceReasonCode write _SetimportanceReasonCode; // Added in API level 5 property importanceReasonComponent: JComponentName read _GetimportanceReasonComponent write _SetimportanceReasonComponent; // Added in API level 5 property importanceReasonPid: Integer read _GetimportanceReasonPid write _SetimportanceReasonPid; // Added in API level 16 property lastTrimLevel: Integer read _GetlastTrimLevel write _SetlastTrimLevel; property lru: Integer read _Getlru write _Setlru; property pid: Integer read _Getpid write _Setpid; property pkgList: TJavaObjectArray<JString> read _GetpkgList write _SetpkgList; property processName: JString read _GetprocessName write _SetprocessName; // Added in API level 5 property uid: Integer read _Getuid write _Setuid; end; TJActivityManager_RunningAppProcessInfo = class(TJavaGenericImport<JActivityManager_RunningAppProcessInfoClass, JActivityManager_RunningAppProcessInfo>) end; { http://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/ActivityManager.RunningServiceInfo.html Added in API level 1 } JActivityManager_RunningServiceInfoClass = interface(JObjectClass) ['{8A01CD6D-5177-4F74-A65E-20BAC0B76F0F}'] { Property Methods } function _GetCREATOR: JParcelable_Creator; function _GetFLAG_FOREGROUND: Integer; function _GetFLAG_PERSISTENT_PROCESS: Integer; function _GetFLAG_STARTED: Integer; function _GetFLAG_SYSTEM_PROCESS: Integer; { Methods } function init: JActivityManager_RunningServiceInfo; cdecl; { Properties } property CREATOR: JParcelable_Creator read _GetCREATOR; // Added in API level 5 property FLAG_FOREGROUND: Integer read _GetFLAG_FOREGROUND; // Added in API level 5 property FLAG_PERSISTENT_PROCESS: Integer read _GetFLAG_PERSISTENT_PROCESS; // Added in API level 5 property FLAG_STARTED: Integer read _GetFLAG_STARTED; // Added in API level 5 property FLAG_SYSTEM_PROCESS: Integer read _GetFLAG_SYSTEM_PROCESS; end; [JavaSignature('android/app/ActivityManager$RunningServiceInfo')] JActivityManager_RunningServiceInfo = interface(JObject) ['{CEECA783-977A-4E16-8907-C4F65F25D168}'] { Property Methods } function _GetactiveSince: Int64; procedure _SetactiveSince(Value: Int64); function _GetclientCount: Integer; procedure _SetclientCount(Value: Integer); function _GetclientLabel: Integer; procedure _SetclientLabel(Value: Integer); function _GetclientPackage: JString; procedure _SetclientPackage(Value: JString); function _GetcrashCount: Integer; procedure _SetcrashCount(Value: Integer); function _Getflags: Integer; procedure _Setflags(Value: Integer); function _Getforeground: Boolean; procedure _Setforeground(Value: Boolean); function _GetlastActivityTime: Int64; procedure _SetlastActivityTime(Value: Int64); function _Getpid: Integer; procedure _Setpid(Value: Integer); function _Getprocess: JString; procedure _Setprocess(Value: JString); function _Getrestarting: Int64; procedure _Setrestarting(Value: Int64); function _Getservice: JComponentName; procedure _Setservice(Value: JComponentName); function _Getstarted: Boolean; procedure _Setstarted(Value: Boolean); function _Getuid: Integer; procedure _Setuid(Value: Integer); { Methods } function describeContents: Integer; cdecl; procedure readFromParcel(source: JParcel); cdecl; procedure writeToParcel(dest: JParcel; flags: Integer); cdecl; { Properties } property activeSince: Int64 read _GetactiveSince write _SetactiveSince; property clientCount: Integer read _GetclientCount write _SetclientCount; // API level 5 property clientLabel: Integer read _GetclientLabel write _SetclientLabel; // API level 5 property clientPackage: JString read _GetclientPackage write _SetclientPackage; property crashCount: Integer read _GetcrashCount write _SetcrashCount; // API level 5 property flags: Integer read _Getflags write _Setflags; property foreground: Boolean read _Getforeground write _Setforeground; property lastActivityTime: Int64 read _GetlastActivityTime write _SetlastActivityTime; property pid: Integer read _Getpid write _Setpid; property process: JString read _Getprocess write _Setprocess; property restarting: Int64 read _Getrestarting write _Setrestarting; property service: JComponentName read _Getservice write _Setservice; property started: Boolean read _Getstarted write _Setstarted; // API level 5 property uid: Integer read _Getuid write _Setuid; end; TJActivityManager_RunningServiceInfo = class(TJavaGenericImport<JActivityManager_RunningServiceInfoClass, JActivityManager_RunningServiceInfo>) end; { http://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo.html Added in API level 1 } JActivityManager_RunningTaskInfoClass = interface(JObjectClass) ['{CB509FD6-FB15-495C-AFE8-DF705BFDD1CB}'] { Property Methods } function _GetCREATOR: JParcelable_Creator; { Methods } function init: JActivityManager_RunningTaskInfo; cdecl; { Properties } property CREATOR: JParcelable_Creator read _GetCREATOR; end; [JavaSignature('android/app/ActivityManager$RunningTaskInfo')] JActivityManager_RunningTaskInfo = interface(JObject) ['{48B0FF17-C6E7-46A9-8C4E-55186F86CE58}'] { Property Methods } function _GetbaseActivity: JComponentName; procedure _SetbaseActivity(Value: JComponentName); function _Getdescription: JCharSequence; procedure _Setdescription(Value: JCharSequence); function _Getid: Integer; procedure _Setid(Value: Integer); function _GetnumActivities: Integer; procedure _SetnumActivities(Value: Integer); function _GetnumRunning: Integer; procedure _SetnumRunning(Value: Integer); function _Getthumbnail: JBitmap; procedure _Setthumbnail(Value: JBitmap); function _GettopActivity: JComponentName; procedure _SettopActivity(Value: JComponentName); { Methods } function describeContents: Integer; cdecl; procedure readFromParcel(source: JParcel); cdecl; procedure writeToParcel(dest: JParcel; flags: Integer); cdecl; { Properties } property baseActivity: JComponentName read _GetbaseActivity write _SetbaseActivity; property description: JCharSequence read _Getdescription write _Setdescription; property id: Integer read _Getid write _Setid; property numActivities: Integer read _GetnumActivities write _SetnumActivities; property numRunning: Integer read _GetnumRunning write _SetnumRunning; property thumbnail: JBitmap read _Getthumbnail write _Setthumbnail; property topActivity: JComponentName read _GettopActivity write _SettopActivity; end; TJActivityManager_RunningTaskInfo = class(TJavaGenericImport<JActivityManager_RunningTaskInfoClass, JActivityManager_RunningTaskInfo>) end; { http://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/ActivityManager.html Added in API level 1 } JActivityManagerClass = interface(JObjectClass) ['{DE9F8D5B-3354-4E29-86BA-E47715ECD75B}'] { Property Methods } function _GetMOVE_TASK_NO_USER_ACTION: Integer; function _GetMOVE_TASK_WITH_HOME: Integer; function _GetRECENT_IGNORE_UNAVAILABLE: Integer; function _GetRECENT_WITH_EXCLUDED: Integer; { Methods } function init: JActivityManager; cdecl; // Added in API level 16 procedure getMyMemoryState(outState: JActivityManager_RunningAppProcessInfo); cdecl; // Added in API level 11 function isRunningInTestHarness: Boolean; cdecl; // Added in API level 8 function isUserAMonkey: Boolean; cdecl; { Properties } // Added in API level 12 property MOVE_TASK_NO_USER_ACTION: Integer read _GetMOVE_TASK_NO_USER_ACTION; // Added in API level 11 property MOVE_TASK_WITH_HOME: Integer read _GetMOVE_TASK_WITH_HOME; // Added in API level 11 property RECENT_IGNORE_UNAVAILABLE: Integer read _GetRECENT_IGNORE_UNAVAILABLE; property RECENT_WITH_EXCLUDEDread: Integer read _GetRECENT_WITH_EXCLUDED; end; [JavaSignature('android/app/ActivityManager')] JActivityManager = interface(JObject) ['{AC5C42D6-E307-41EC-890A-DC846F528B0D}'] { Methods } // Added in API level 3 function getDeviceConfigurationInfo: JConfigurationInfo; cdecl; // Added in API level 11 function getLargeMemoryClass: Integer; cdecl; // Added in API level 11 function getLauncherLargeIconDensity: Integer; cdecl; // Added in API level 11 function getLauncherLargeIconSize: Integer; cdecl; // Added in API level 5 function getMemoryClass: Integer; cdecl; procedure getMemoryInfo(outInfo: JActivityManager_MemoryInfo); cdecl; // Added in API level 5 function getProcessMemoryInfo(pids: TJavaArray<Integer>): TJavaObjectArray<JDebug_MemoryInfo>; cdecl; function getProcessesInErrorState: JList{<JActivityManager_ProcessErrorStateInfo>}; cdecl; function getRecentTasks(maxNum: Integer; flags: Integer): JList{<JActivityManager_RecentTaskInfo>}; cdecl; // Added in API level 3 function getRunningAppProcesses: JList{<JActivityManager_RunningAppProcessInfo>}; cdecl; // Added in API level 5 function getRunningServiceControlPanel(service: JComponentName): JPendingIntent; cdecl; function getRunningServices(maxNum: Integer): JList{<JActivityManager_RunningServiceInfo>}; cdecl; function getRunningTasks(maxNum: Integer): JList{<JActivityManager_RunningTaskInfo>}; cdecl; // Added in API level 8 procedure killBackgroundProcesses(packageName: JString); cdecl; // Added in API level 16 procedure moveTaskToFront(taskId: Integer; flags: Integer; options: JBundle); cdecl; overload; // Added in API level 11 procedure moveTaskToFront(taskId: Integer; flags: Integer) cdecl; overload; // Added in API level 3 procedure restartPackage(packageName: JString); cdecl; end; TJActivityManager = class(TJavaGenericImport<JActivityManagerClass, JActivityManager>) end; function GetActivityManager: JActivityManager; implementation function GetActivityManager: JActivityManager; var LJO: JObject; begin LJO := SharedActivityContext.getSystemService(TJContext.JavaClass.ACTIVITY_SERVICE); if not Assigned(LJO) then raise Exception.Create('Can not Access Activity Service!') else Result := TJActivityManager.Wrap((LJO as ILocalObject).GetObjectID); end; end. |
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unit PasFrmMain; interface uses System.SysUtils, System.Types, System.UITypes, System.Classes, System.Variants, FMX.Types, FMX.Controls, FMX.Forms, FMX.Graphics, FMX.Dialogs, FMX.Controls.Presentation, FMX.StdCtrls, Androidapi.JNI.App ,Androidapi.JNIBridge ,Androidapi.JNI.GraphicsContentViewText ,Androidapi.JNI.JavaTypes ,Androidapi.JNI.Os ,FMX.Helpers.Android ,Androidapi.Helpers ,Androidapi.JNI.ActivityManager; type TForm8 = class(TForm) Button2: TButton; lFreeMem: TLabel; LAllMem: TLabel; Button3: TButton; Label1: TLabel; Timer1: TTimer; procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure Button3Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } am: JActivityManager; mi: JActivityManager_MemoryInfo; sa : TStringList; function ServiceIsStarted: Boolean; procedure memInfo; end; var Form8: TForm8; implementation {$R *.fmx} procedure TForm8.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var I: Integer; begin for I := 0 to 400000 do Begin sa.Add('XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'); End; Button2.Text := 'nr. strings in mem:' + sa.Count.ToString(); (* if ServiceIsStarted then ShowMessage('yes') Else ShowMessage('no'); *) end; procedure TForm8.Button3Click(Sender: TObject); begin sa.Clear; end; procedure TForm8.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin am:= GetActivityManager; mi:=TJActivityManager_MemoryInfo.Create; sa := TStringList.Create; am.getMemoryInfo(mi); lFreeMem.Text:='Free Memory: '+(mi.availMem div 1048576).ToString()+'Mb'; LAllMem.Text:='All Memory: '+(mi.totalMem div 1048576).ToString()+'Mb'; end; procedure TForm8.memInfo; var mi:JActivityManager_MemoryInfo; am:JActivityManager; ah:TAndroidHelper; begin ah:=TAndroidHelper.Create; am:=ah.Activity.getSystemService(StringToJString('ACTIVITY_SERVICE')) as JActivityManager; mi:=TJActivityManager_MemoryInfo.Create; am.getMemoryInfo(mi); ShowMessage('FreeMem/AllMem: '+mi.availMem.ToString()+'/'+mi.totalMem.ToString()); end; function GetActivityManager: JActivityManager; var ActivityManagerNative: JObject; begin ActivityManagerNative := SharedActivityContext.getSystemService(TJContext.JavaClass.ACTIVITY_SERVICE); if not Assigned(ActivityManagerNative) then raise Exception.Create('Could not locate Activity Service'); Result := TJActivityManager.Wrap( (ActivityManagerNative as ILocalObject).GetObjectID); if not Assigned(Result) then raise Exception.Create('Could not access Activity Manager'); end; function TForm8.ServiceIsStarted: Boolean; var ActivityServiceManager: JObject; FActivityManager : JActivityManager; List: JList; Iterator: JIterator; ri: JActivityManager_RunningServiceInfo; s: String; begin Result := False; ActivityServiceManager := TAndroidHelper.Context.getSystemService(TJContext.JavaClass.ACTIVITY_SERVICE); FActivityManager := TJActivityManager.Wrap((ActivityServiceManager as ILocalObject).GetObjectID); List := FActivityManager.getRunningServices(MAXINT); Iterator := List.iterator; while Iterator.hasNext and (not Result) do begin ri := TJActivityManager_RunningServiceInfo.Wrap((Iterator.next as ILocalObject).GetObjectID); s := JStringToString(ri.service.getClassName); Result := (s = 'com.embarcadero.services.MyService'); end; end; procedure TForm8.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject); begin am.getMemoryInfo(mi); lFreeMem.Text:='Free Memory: '+(mi.availMem div 1048576).ToString()+'Mb'; LAllMem.Text:='All Memory: '+(mi.totalMem div 1048576).ToString()+'Mb'; end; end. |
Today i do some test about TBluetooth LE component on Delphi Seattle on different devices. Device BT LE as Client BT LE as Server (pheriferial mode) Mac Book Pro OSX 10.11.6 Yes Yes iPhone 6s iOS 9.3 Yes Yes Samsung S4 Android lollipop Yes No: raise an axeception on phheriferial mode?!?! PC Windows 10…
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I was on testing our app remode on a Raspberry PI3 with Android 6.0 Marshmallow… so i need debug and i foud that can be done via lan simply using the command ADB “command” like:
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adb connect "device ipaddress" |