Via Cà Matta 2 - Peschiera Borromeo (MI)
+39 02 00704272

Author: Simona Marotto

Digital solution partner

How to Hide Div when Click Outside of the Element using jQuery

Hide element on click outside, is a must-have functionality for the dropdown menu. Apart from that, it also used in some situations where you need to hide div when the user clicks outside of this element. You can easily hide div or element when click outside of it using jQuery. In the example code snippet,…
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How to install a Certificate SSL DVW on Apache Web Server

1)Purchase your Certificate SSL DVW (Domain Validated Wildcard ) from your provider. 2)Log in to your server’s terminal via Secure Shell (SSH). 3)Generate a private key and CSR by running the following command:

Note: Replace “server” with the domain name you intend to secure. Enter the following CSR details when prompted: Common Name: The FQDN (fully-qualified domain name) you want to…
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List of all selected checkboxes into a JSON string

Add class to checkbox

Create a function to return a JSON string

Here an example


[iframe  style=”margin-left: 120px;” width=”100%” height=”350px” src=””] To create this calculator we define the spaces where we will place our elements (numbers and operations) and include them in the div tag. We use an input text for the task view. Style (CSS) of the calculator was defined in line to the file, it can be integrated with an external file…
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