Building a Standalone WebBroker Server for Linux – ThreadPool Management
With Delphi you can create a Linux stand alone webBrocker application server as you can see in the following video:
Yuo can also specify for you WebBrocker app the threadpool managing, that can help you to increase performance of your app server.
In this example we configure a thread pool of 50 preallocated thread to manage connection shortly.
To use thread pool you need to add “IdSchedulerOfThreadPool” unit in you code and you can associate “TIdSchedulerOfThreadPool” on server start:
procedure RunServer(APort: Integer); var LServer: TIdHTTPWebBrokerBridge; LidScheduler: TIdSchedulerOfThreadPool; LResponse: string; LGetSSLPassword: TGetSSLPassword; LIOHandleSSL: TIdServerIOHandlerSSLOpenSSL; begin WriteCommands; LServer := TIdHTTPWebBrokerBridge.Create(nil); if Application = nil then WriteLn('Application is null'); WriteLn('Srv Connections:' + LServer.MaxConnections.ToString);// + ' App Connections:' + Application.MaxConnections.ToString); try LServer.DefaultPort := APort; if (DmShared.Settings.certificate_file_name.Replace('-','').Trim <> '') then Begin if LServer.IOHandler <> nil then begin try LServer.IOHandler.Free; except end; LServer.IOHandler := nil; end; LGetSSLPassword := TGetSSLPassword.Create; LIOHandleSSL := TIdServerIOHandlerSSLOpenSSL.Create(LServer); LIOHandleSSL.SSLOptions.CertFile := DmShared.Settings.certificate_file_name; LIOHandleSSL.SSLOptions.RootCertFile := DmShared.Settings.certificate_root_file_name; LIOHandleSSL.SSLOptions.KeyFile := DmShared.Settings.certificate_key_file_name; LIOHandleSSL.SSLOptions.SSLVersions := [sslvTLSv1,sslvTLSv1_1,sslvTLSv1_2]; LIOHandleSSL.OnGetPassword := LGetSSLPassword.OnGetSSLPassword; LServer.IOHandler := LIOHandleSSL; LServer.OnQuerySSLPort := DmShared.onQuerySSLPort; // IVAN : 2022 05 29: INSERISCO LA GESTIONE DEI THREAD POOL - BOH VEDIAMO LidScheduler := TIdSchedulerOfThreadPool.Create; LidScheduler.MaxThreads := 0; LidScheduler.PoolSize := 100; LServer.Scheduler := LidScheduler; LServer.MaxConnections := 4096; End; StartServer(LServer); while True do begin Readln(LResponse); LResponse := LowerCase(LResponse); if LResponse.StartsWith(cCommandSetPort) then SetPort(LServer, LResponse) else if sametext(LResponse, cCommandStart) then StartServer(LServer) else if sametext(LResponse, cCommandStatus) then WriteStatus(LServer) else if sametext(LResponse, 'h') then begin show_headers := not show_headers; if show_headers then writeln('SHOW HEADERS: On') Else writeln('SHOW HEADERS: Off'); end else if sametext(LResponse, 'd') then begin debug_mode := not debug_mode; if debug_mode then writeln('DEBUG: On') Else writeln('DEBUG: Off'); end else if sametext(LResponse, cCommandStop) then StopServer(LServer) else if sametext(LResponse, cCommandHelp) then WriteCommands else if sametext(LResponse, cCommandExit) then if LServer.Active then begin StopServer(LServer); thLog.Terminate; thLog.WaitFor; FreeAndNil(thLog); break end else break else begin Writeln(sInvalidCommand); Write(cArrow); end; end; finally LServer.Free; end; end;