Delphi Android WiFi Manager
L’obiettivo era quello di connettersi a livello programmatico ad una specifica WiFi da qui è sorta l’esigenza di gestire in modo completo la classe Java WifiManager.
Nei tre metodi principali riportati di seguito avremo:
- riconoscimento dell’IP Address assegnato alla porta wifi
- Elenco delle Wifi disponibili (quelle che il dispositivo riconosce)
- Elenco delle configurazioni WiFi salvate sul dispositivo
- Possibilità di connettersi ad una specifica Wifi creandone la configurazione se la stessa non esiste
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function IntToInetAddr(ipInt : Integer) : String; var b : TBytes; Begin SetLength(b,4); b[3] := ((ipInt and $FF000000) shr 24); b[2] := ((ipInt and $00FF0000) shr 16); b[1] := ((ipInt and $0000FF00) shr 8); b[0] := (ipInt and $000000FF); result := b[0].ToString() + '.' + b[1].ToString() + '.' + b[2].ToString() + '.' + b[3].ToString(); End; (* *) procedure TForm4.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); Var networkSSID : String; networkPass : String; WifiManagerObj: JObject; WifiManager: JWifiManager; AWifiConfiguration: JList; WifiInfo: JWifiInfo; WifiConfiguration,WinConf : JWifiConfiguration; networkId: Integer; Done: Boolean; iter: JIterator; begin // WifiManagerObj := SharedActivityContext.getSystemService(TJContext.JavaClass.WIFI_SERVICE); WifiManager := TJWifiManager.Wrap((WifiManagerObj as ILocalObject).GetObjectID); WifiInfo := WifiManager.getConnectionInfo(); if CheckBox1.IsChecked then Begin networkSSID := '"' + edSid.Text + '"'; networkPass := '"' + edPwd.Text + '"'; End Else Begin networkSSID := edSid.Text; networkPass := edPwd.Text; End; WifiConfiguration := nil; networkId := -1; iter := WifiManager.getConfiguredNetworks().iterator; while iter.hasNext do Begin WinConf := TJWifiConfiguration.Wrap(( as ILocalObject).GetObjectID); //Memo1.lines.add(WinConf.networkId.ToString + ' --> ' + JStringToString(WinConf.SSID)); if JStringToString(WinConf.SSID) = networkSSID then Begin WifiConfiguration := WinConf; networkId := WinConf.networkId; End; End; if WifiConfiguration = nil then Begin Memo1.lines.add('Network not found try to create configuration'); //WifiConfiguration := TJWifiConfiguration.Create; WifiConfiguration := TJWifiConfiguration.JavaClass.init; WifiConfiguration.SSID := StringToJString(networkSSID); WifiConfiguration.preSharedKey := StringToJString(networkPass); WifiConfiguration.hiddenSSID := true; WifiConfiguration.allowedAuthAlgorithms.&set(TJWifiConfiguration_AuthAlgorithm.JavaClass.OPEN); WifiConfiguration.allowedGroupCiphers.&set(TJWifiConfiguration_GroupCipher.JavaClass.TKIP); WifiConfiguration.allowedGroupCiphers.&set(TJWifiConfiguration_GroupCipher.JavaClass.CCMP); WifiConfiguration.allowedKeyManagement.&set(TJWifiConfiguration_KeyMgmt.JavaClass.WPA_PSK); WifiConfiguration.allowedPairwiseCiphers.&set(TJWifiConfiguration_GroupCipher.JavaClass.TKIP); WifiConfiguration.allowedPairwiseCiphers.&set(TJWifiConfiguration_GroupCipher.JavaClass.CCMP); WifiConfiguration.status := TJNsdManager.JavaClass.NSD_STATE_ENABLED; networkId := WifiManager.addNetwork(WifiConfiguration); End; if networkId = -1 then begin Done := False; Memo1.lines.add('ERROR: networkId = -1'); end Else Memo1.lines.add('networkId = ' + networkId.ToString()); if WifiManager.disconnect = False then begin Done := False; Memo1.lines.add('ERROR: not disconnected'); end; if done then Begin AWifiConfiguration := WifiManager.getConfiguredNetworks(); done := False; Memo1.lines.add(' Configured network size: ' + AWifiConfiguration.size.ToString()); iter := AWifiConfiguration.iterator; while iter.hasNext do Begin WinConf := TJWifiConfiguration.Wrap(( as ILocalObject).GetObjectID); Memo1.lines.add(WinConf.networkId.ToString + ' --> ' + JStringToString(WinConf.SSID)); if WinConf.networkId = networkId then done := WifiManager.enableNetwork(networkId, true) Else WifiManager.disableNetwork(WinConf.networkId); End; // done := WifiManager.enableNetwork(networkId, true); WifiManager.reconnect; // done := WifiManager.enableNetwork(AWifiConfiguration.get(networkId).hashCode, true); End; if Done then Begin Memo1.lines.add('Connected'); End Else Begin Memo1.lines.add('Not Connected to selected network'); End; GetIpAddress; end; procedure TForm4.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var WifiManagerObj: JObject; WifiManager: JWifiManager; WifiInfo: JWifiInfo; begin WifiManagerObj := SharedActivityContext.getSystemService(TJContext.JavaClass.WIFI_SERVICE); WifiManager := TJWifiManager.Wrap((WifiManagerObj as ILocalObject).GetObjectID); WifiInfo := WifiManager.getConnectionInfo(); Memo1.Lines.Clear; Memo1.Lines.Add('Wifi Enabled: ' + WifiManager.isWifiEnabled.ToString); Memo1.Lines.Add('Wifi State: ' + WifiManager.getWifiState.ToString); Memo1.Lines.Add('Ping Supplicant: ' + WifiManager.pingSupplicant.ToString); Memo1.Lines.Add('BSSID: ' + JStringToString(WifiInfo.getBSSID)); Memo1.Lines.Add('HiddenSSID: ' + WifiInfo.getHiddenSSID.ToString); Memo1.Lines.Add('IpAddress: ' + WifiInfo.getIpAddress.ToString); Memo1.Lines.Add('LinkSpeed: ' + WifiInfo.getLinkSpeed.ToString + 'Mbps'); Memo1.Lines.Add('MacAddress: ' + JStringToString(WifiInfo.getMacAddress)); Memo1.Lines.Add('NetworkId: ' + WifiInfo.getNetworkId.ToString); Memo1.Lines.Add('Rssi: ' + WifiInfo.getRssi.ToString + 'dBm'); Memo1.Lines.Add('SSID: ' + JStringToString(WifiInfo.getSSID)); Memo1.Lines.Add('SupplicantState: ' + JStringToString(WifiInfo.getSupplicantState.toString)); GetIpAddress; end; procedure TForm4.Button3Click(Sender: TObject); var WifiManagerObj: JObject; WifiManager: JWifiManager; ScanResult: JScanResult; i: Integer; begin WifiManagerObj := SharedActivityContext.getSystemService(TJContext.JavaClass.WIFI_SERVICE); WifiManager := TJWifiManager.Wrap((WifiManagerObj as ILocalObject).GetObjectID); Memo1.Lines.Clear; for i := 0 to WifiManager.getScanResults.size - 1 do begin ScanResult := TJScanResult.Wrap((WifiManager.getScanResults.get(i) as ILocalObject).GetObjectID); memo1.Lines.Add( 'SSID: ' + JStringToString(ScanResult.SSID)); memo1.Lines.Add( 'frequency: ' + ScanResult.frequency.ToString + 'MHz' + ' level: ' + ScanResult.level.ToString + 'dBm)'); // ListBox1.AddObject(ListBoxItem); end; // ListBox1.EndUpdate; end; procedure TForm4.Button4Click(Sender: TObject); begin // networkSSID := '"WiTmm3"'; // networkPass := '"simona1987"'; edSid.Text := 'WiTmm3'; edPwd.Text := 'simona1987'; end; procedure TForm4.Button5Click(Sender: TObject); begin Memo1.Lines.Clear; end; procedure TForm4.GetIpAddress; var WifiManagerObj: JObject; WifiManager: JWifiManager; WifiInfo: JWifiInfo; begin label1.text := ''; { TODO : Trovare il modo di leggere il corrente ipaddress del dispositivo } try WifiManagerObj := SharedActivityContext.getSystemService(TJContext.JavaClass.WIFI_SERVICE); WifiManager := TJWifiManager.Wrap((WifiManagerObj as ILocalObject).GetObjectID); WifiInfo := WifiManager.getConnectionInfo; label1.text := IntToInetAddr(WifiInfo.getIpAddress); if label1.text = '' then label1.text := ''; except on e: exception do begin label1.text := ''; raise Exception.Create(e.Message); end; end; end; procedure TForm4.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); Begin GetIpAddress; End; |