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Configure a NFS share in your LAN with Ubuntu 20.04

Configuring NFS Server: Installing NFS services on your ubuntu system

configure mount folders and define sub nets can access to

/etc/export sample:

Verify export options

Configure your MS-Windows 10 client: You can find info to configure MSWin as NFS client at this link: Configure your MacOSX client:

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Windows kill application programmatically

To force quit an application by application name in MS-Windows you can use “taskkill” command. To kill an application by app name using taskkill you can write:

In this example we kill our application “JuliuS” .

How To Use Apache as a Reverse Proxy on Ubuntu 20.04

A reverse proxy is a type of proxy server that accepts HTTP (S) requests and transparently distributes them to one or more backend servers. You can use a reverse proxy to prevent direct access to these underlying application servers. They can also be used to distribute the load of incoming requests to different application servers.…
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Configure Open VPN over PFSense 2.5

Configuring an OpenVPN over pfSense is quite simple. In this video you can see, how to configure a VPN on the lastest release of pfSense using the VPN Wizard.

Subversion over Ubuntu Server 20.04

Configure svn server over Apache2, using https.

  ora impostiamo la password del primo utente:

  configuriamo gli accessi:

  configuriamo gli accessi

  riavvio di apache:


Ubuntu 20.04 – Startup Applications on session login

To be able to automatically run an application at the start of the gnome session there is a software present in the Ubuntu distribution. It can be invoked on the command line:

or from the interface by searching among the applications and filtering by “start”             and then you…
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