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Categoria: Sistemi Operativi

Ubuntu / Debian – How to add storage ( HDD,SDD, nVME) to your system

Come aggiungere un disco al proprio sistema Linux ( nel ns. caso Ubuntu), il tutto usando semplicemente la linea di comando,i passaggi sono semplici: Connettere l’unità di archiviazione Controllare che il sistema riconosca l’unità ( fdisk -l ) Creare una ( o più ) partizione al disco ( sempre con fdisk )  Formattare la partizione…
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Firefox howto enable browsing on old TLS 1.2 and older TLS version

If you have and old hardware or service that expose the configuration interface on old https with an old encryption protocol, all browser block you site ( even if is remote or locally ). On Firefox you need to write in the address bar : “about:config” after that, in the config search bar write “tls”:…
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Ubuntu LTS Release Duration

From Ubuntu official site you can check all about support of your Ubuntu SO support at :

First test on Ubuntu 22.04 <--> Delphi 11.1

  Test Ubuntu 22.04: Ubuntu 22.04 Server distro per Intel / AMD x64 su ambienti di virtualizzazione (tutti configurati con 4core e 2virt, 8GB, 40GB SSD): VMWare Fusion per MacOSX  –> passed no issue  VMWare Workstation –> passed no issue KVM –> passed no issue Ubuntu 22.04 Server sui seguenti ambienti fisici: Dell T440 Intel…
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Configure a NFS share in your LAN with Ubuntu 20.04

Configuring NFS Server: Installing NFS services on your ubuntu system

configure mount folders and define sub nets can access to

/etc/export sample:

Verify export options

Configure your MS-Windows 10 client: You can find info to configure MSWin as NFS client at this link: Configure your MacOSX client:

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Windows kill application programmatically

To force quit an application by application name in MS-Windows you can use “taskkill” command. To kill an application by app name using taskkill you can write:

In this example we kill our application “JuliuS” .