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Categoria: Pascal

Digital Innovation Partner

ChatGPT & Delphi – OpenAI Chat

Today I tried to talk about programming with chatGPT…. and I must say I was amazed First I asked him for the code for a web server in Delphi: Then I asked him to add support for SSL Then if you give me an example of Machine Learning in Delphi Then I asked him what he…
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Delphi macOSX create and deploy application outside Mac App Store

With Delphi you can create your own applications for Mac OSX 64Bit and distribute them both via the Mac App Store and independently using the Developer ID distribution method. In this article we will see how to distribute an app through the “Notarization” procedure of the app to be able to distribute it independently, even…
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FireMonkey Mistery & Rad Studio XE2

Ieri consultando il mitico blog di Embarcadero ho scoperto che a breve uscirà la nuova versione di Rad Studio che come al solito conterrà la nuova versione dei prodotti Delphi, C++ Builder , Delphi Prism e RadPhp. Le novità questa volta sono tantissime, come si evince dal post di DavidI , ovviamente c’era da…
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Google Maps API demo

Ciao, con un ns collaboratore era sorta l’esigenza di utilizzare le mappe di google da un applicazione nativa scritta in Delphi , sorgeva l’esigenza di usare un browser il classi TWebBrowser di Delphi per richiamare le mappe, ma questo implicava pilotare dall’applicazione le mappe tramite l’automation del browser e l’esecuzione di Javascripts. A questo punto…
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Embarcadero Rad Studio XE

Some good news from Embarcadero, some products like Delphi4Php (now radPhp) and Delphi Prism and the new XE IDE for Delphi (now Delphi XE) and C++ Builder. An exception to the name, more news on RadStudio seems to be: 1) integration with Subversion SVN 2) The ability to generate sequence diagrams directly from the IDE…
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Happy birday Delphi …

Delphi was born exactly fifteen years ago from Today, Marco Cantu on his web site have posted a great article on this because he is one of the first guru of this beatifull dev language… the article