edit or create the rc.local file:
1 |
sudo nano /etc/rc.local |
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#!/bin/bash <your_program>.sh exit 0 |
make rc.local executable:
1 |
sudo chmod +x /etc/rc.local |
edit /etc/systemd/system/rc-local.service:
1 |
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/rc-local.service |
add this content to rc.local.service:
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# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1+ # # This file is part of systemd. # # systemd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This unit gets pulled automatically into multi-user.target by # systemd-rc-local-generator if /etc/rc.local is executable. [Unit] Description=/etc/rc.local Compatibility Documentation=man:systemd-rc-local-generator(8) ConditionFileIsExecutable=/etc/rc.local After=network.target [Service] Type=forking ExecStart=/etc/rc.local start TimeoutSec=0 RemainAfterExit=yes GuessMainPID=no [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target |
enable rc.local by service:
1 |
sudo systemctl enable rc-local.service |
start rc.local by service:
1 |
sudo systemctl start rc-local.service |
check the rc.local status:
1 |
sudo systemctl status rc-local.service |
create file rc.local :
RadStudio 10.4 è una release che promette grandi cose in tutte le aree di questo fantastico ambiente di sviluppo. Facendo un primo giro di test abbiamo notato: Nelle applicazioni FMX abbiamo notato un notevole miglioramento del render dei caratteri Il nuovo sistema LSP (language server protocol) sembra aver reso l’IDE ancora più fluido e produttivo…
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TThreadedMsgEvent = class( TThread ) private FLock : TCriticalSection; FStr : TQueue<String>; FMemo : TMemo; function GetEvent : String; protected procedure Execute; override; public procedure AddEvent( aMsg : String ); constructor Create( AMemo: TMemo ); destructor Destroy; override; end; implementation { TThreadedMsgEvent } procedure TThreadedMsgEvent.AddEvent(aMsg: String); begin FLock.Acquire; FStr.Enqueue( FormatDateTime('DD/MM/YY HH:NN:SS.ZZZ',Now)+ ' : '+ aMsg ); FLock.Release; end; constructor TThreadedMsgEvent.Create(aMemo: TMemo); begin inherited Create(True); FreeOnTerminate := False; FOnMessage := ACallBack; FStr := TQueue<String>.Create(); FLock := TCriticalSection.Create; FMemo := aMemo; Resume; end; destructor TThreadedMsgEvent.Destroy; override; begin FreeAndNil( FStr ); FreeAndNil( FLock ); end; procedure TThreadedMsgEvent.Execute; begin while not Terminated do begin try if (FStr.Count > 0) then begin if Assigned( aMemo ) then begin TThread.synchronize( procedure begin FMemo.Lines.Add( GetEvent ); end; ); end; end; except end; TThread.Sleep(1); end; end; function TThreadedMsgEvent.GetEvent: String; begin FLock.Acquire; result := FStr.Dequeue; FLock.Release; end; |
From post found at: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17506615/how-to-handle-log-in-a-threaded-manner-in-delphi
Tested on ubuntu 18.04 server The file /etc/issue.net is a text file which contains a message or system identification to be printed before the login prompt of a telnet session. It may contain various ‘%-char’ (or, alternatively, ‘\-char’) sequences. The common char for output some informations are:
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b Insert the baudrate of the current line. d Insert the current date. s Insert the system name, the name of the operating system. l Insert the name of the current tty line. m Insert the architecture identifier of the machine, e.g., i686. n Insert the nodename of the machine, also known as the hostname. o Insert the domainname of the machine. r Insert the release number of the kernel, e.g., t Insert the current time. u Insert the number of current users logged in. U Insert the string "1 user" or "<n> users" where <n> is the number of current users logged in. v Insert the version of the OS, e.g., the build-date etc. |
If you want to display your IP Configuration…
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Delphi Linux … create a background process… daemon service stay tuned https://chapmanworld.com/2017/04/05/creating-a-linux-daemon-service-in-delphi/ http://blog.paolorossi.net/2017/07/11/building-a-real-linux-daemon-with-delphi-part-1-2/ http://blog.paolorossi.net/2017/09/04/building-a-real-linux-daemon-with-delphi-part-2/
In collaborazione con PegasoTeam abbiamo appena testato il fantastico modello Supermicro E50-9AP con la nuovissima versione di Ubuntu server e desktop. Abbiamo preso il modello Supermicro E50-9AP con il modulo wifi intel 8265 fornitro da Supermicro il cui codice assemblato è E50-9AP-WIFI e lo abbiamo testato a fondo. Il prodotto si presenta veramente…
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