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+39 02 00704272

Categoria: Articoli

Digital Innovation Partner

Testing BluetoothLE on Delphi DX 10

Today i do some test about TBluetooth LE component on Delphi Seattle on different devices.   Device BT LE as Client BT LE as Server (pheriferial mode) Mac Book Pro OSX 10.11.6 Yes Yes iPhone 6s iOS 9.3 Yes Yes Samsung S4 Android lollipop Yes No: raise an axeception on phheriferial mode?!?! PC Windows 10…
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getting video from your cam by Remode in your web pages

Remote Debug on Android 6.0 with Raspberry PI3 and Delphi 10.0 Seattle

I was on testing our app remode on a Raspberry PI3 with Android 6.0 Marshmallow… so i need debug and i foud that can be done via lan simply using the command ADB “command” like: adb connect “device ipaddress”

RAD Studio 10.1 “Berlin”

Maybe most of you already heard the latest news, RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin shipped. There are a lot of good news in this version… and a lot of library are already able to be used with it. The official of embarcadero about Berlin is usefull libraries already available for Berlin are: The turbopack libraries…
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Synaptica IOT Box

se siete interessati il link alla community di Remode : mentre la pagina ufficiale sul nostro sito: ed infine il link al play store: Ringraziamo: – Makerzone per la stampa 3D ( – per l’immagine Android/rpi3

Working on Remode Synaptica IOT box!

We are building a prototype of a ready-to-use box to provide remote read/write access to your devices via web. Based on Raspberry pi 3 + Android, Remode Manager App will be preinstalled and configured so that a simple usb/serial connection will instantly allow to remotely send command or receive data to Arduino or other IOT-oriented…
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