Via Cà Matta 2 - Peschiera Borromeo (MI)
+39 02 00704272

Categoria: Articoli

Digital Innovation Partner

getting video from your cam by Remode in your web pages

Remote Debug on Android 6.0 with Raspberry PI3 and Delphi 10.0 Seattle

I was on testing our app remode on a Raspberry PI3 with Android 6.0 Marshmallow… so i need debug and i foud that can be done via lan simply using the command ADB “command” like:

RAD Studio 10.1 “Berlin”

Maybe most of you already heard the latest news, RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin shipped. There are a lot of good news in this version… and a lot of library are already able to be used with it. The official of embarcadero about Berlin is usefull libraries already available for Berlin are: The turbopack libraries…
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Synaptica IOT Box

se siete interessati il link alla community di Remode : mentre la pagina ufficiale sul nostro sito: ed infine il link al play store: Ringraziamo: – Makerzone per la stampa 3D ( – per l’immagine Android/rpi3

Working on Remode Synaptica IOT box!

We are building a prototype of a ready-to-use box to provide remote read/write access to your devices via web. Based on Raspberry pi 3 + Android, Remode Manager App will be preinstalled and configured so that a simple usb/serial connection will instantly allow to remotely send command or receive data to Arduino or other IOT-oriented…
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Controllare se è disponiblie il Bluetooth Classic/LE sul tuo dispositivo android con Delphi

Dalla versione XE7 di Delphi sono disponibili i componenti per gestire Bluetooth Classico e LE. Con Firemonkey è abbastanza semplice creare anche un server bluetooth. Provando le mie applicazioni sul Raspberry PI3 dove Federico ha montato Marshmallow mi son accorto che se il BT non è disponibile sul device l’applicazione si schiantava. Per ovviare a…
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