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Delphi Firemonkey manage VirtualKeyboard on mobile applications

Delphi Firemonkey manage VirtualKeyboard on mobile applications

In Firemonkey you can manage the virtualkeyboard on your mobile applications.

if you need that the keyboard not autoshow in your application when a text box is selected you can add this code:

obviusly to enable the virtual keyboard:

so if you have the virtualkeyboard enabled and you want to hide when and edit control is focused you can use this procedure that i found in stackoverflow AT THIS LINK:


When you connect a bluethoot or usb barcode reader, or a phisycal keyboard to your Android device, your application never show the virtualkeyboard if you don’t change some settings on Android.
Tho show the virtualkeyboard even you have a barcode scanner connected you need to change this settings:

On Android 5.0

Languages and Input > Current keyboard > Turn “Hardware Show Input Methods” ON

On Android 8.0 and Higher

System > Languages and Input > Physical Keyboard > Turn “Show virtual keyboard” ON

If your system is in Italian go to:

Impostazioni –> Gestione Generale –> Lingua e Inserimento –> Tastiere Fisica –> Mostra tastiera su schermo