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Categoria: Articoli

Digital Innovation Partner

Build your own HTTPS server with Delphi – Open SSL Example

Assuming that you know how to make a web server with TidHttpServer, but now you need to put your server in HTTPS, so to do that you need to add to your application the TIdServerIOHandlerSSLOpenSSL and set it as the IOHandler of your TidHTTpServer. IMG IOHANDLER Now you need a valid and unique certificate, to…
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New version of Remode Server

A new version of Remode Server is ready for Mac,Windows and Android!!! You can download the manger and have more information following this link: Remode server official page Whats new: – Extended the web interface, settings and the serail console is integrated in the the Web Admin page – Fixed a problem with camera on…
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Basic Authentication – LogOut via Javascript

I found this procedure on Stackoverflow ( that allow clear authentication saved in the browser for your site:

i tried it on chrome and firefox and function as aspect:

Apple iOS 10 SDK&API news

From 13 September 2016 will be available the iOS10… also the iPhone7. for specific information you can visit the Apple link: In few words there are some news, most important for me are: 1) API/SDK to integrae “Siri” in your application 2) Proactive suggestions: iOS 10 introduces new ways to increase engagement with your…
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Delphi for Linux is coming soon

Testing BluetoothLE on Delphi DX 10

Today i do some test about TBluetooth LE component on Delphi Seattle on different devices.   Device BT LE as Client BT LE as Server (pheriferial mode) Mac Book Pro OSX 10.11.6 Yes Yes iPhone 6s iOS 9.3 Yes Yes Samsung S4 Android lollipop Yes No: raise an axeception on phheriferial mode?!?! PC Windows 10…
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