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Categoria: Articoli

Digital Innovation Partner

Generating Random Numbers with Sensor Input

Orace Tips – Recursive query

select PK_ID from USERS start with FK_USER_PARENT = PK_USER connect by prior PK_ID = FK_USER_PARENT;

Delphi – Int to Hex and Hex to Int

int2hex example in delphi: var str : string; // hex value b : byte; begin b := 15; str := system.sysutils.inttohex(b,2); end; // the result in str will be : ‘0F’ hex2int example: var strHexVal : string; // hex value intVal : integer; begin strHexVal := ‘0F’; intVal := StrToInt(‘$’ + strHexVal); end; // the…
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Synaptica @office

Delphi Firemonkey manage VirtualKeyboard on mobile applications

In Firemonkey you can manage the virtualkeyboard on your mobile applications. if you need that the keyboard not autoshow in your application when a text box is selected you can add this code: // uses FMX.Types // you can set TVKAutoShowMode = (DefinedBySystem, Never, Always); FMX.Types.VKAutoShowMode :=TVKAutoShowMode.vkasNever; obviusly to enable the virtual keyboard: // uses…
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