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select PK_ID from USERS start with FK_USER_PARENT = PK_USER connect by prior PK_ID = FK_USER_PARENT; |
int2hex example in delphi:
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var str : string; // hex value b : byte; begin b := 15; str := system.sysutils.inttohex(b,2); end; // the result in str will be : '0F' |
hex2int example:
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var strHexVal : string; // hex value intVal : integer; begin strHexVal := '0F'; intVal := StrToInt('$' + strHexVal); end; // the result in intVal will be : 15 |
In Firemonkey you can manage the virtualkeyboard on your mobile applications. if you need that the keyboard not autoshow in your application when a text box is selected you can add this code:
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// uses FMX.Types // you can set TVKAutoShowMode = (DefinedBySystem, Never, Always); FMX.Types.VKAutoShowMode :=TVKAutoShowMode.vkasNever; |
obviusly to enable the virtual keyboard:
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// uses FMX.Types // you can set TVKAutoShowMode = (DefinedBySystem, Never, Always); FMX.Types.VKAutoShowMode :=TVKAutoShowMode.DefinedBySystem; |
so if you have the virtualkeyboard enabled and you want to hide when and…
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public static Map<String, String> getLatitudeLongitudeByAddress(String completeAddress) { try { String surl = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address="+URLEncoder.encode(completeAddress, "UTF-8")+"&key="+API_KEY; URL url = new URL(surl); InputStream is = url.openConnection().getInputStream(); BufferedReader streamReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is, "UTF-8")); StringBuilder responseStrBuilder = new StringBuilder(); String inputStr; while ((inputStr = streamReader.readLine()) != null) responseStrBuilder.append(inputStr); JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(responseStrBuilder.toString()); JSONArray results = jo.getJSONArray("results"); String lat = null; String lng = null; String region = null; String province = null; String zip = null; Map<String, String> ret = new HashMap<String, String>(); if(results.length() > 0) { JSONObject jsonObject; jsonObject = results.getJSONObject(0); ret.put("lat", jsonObject.getJSONObject("geometry").getJSONObject("location").getString("lat")); ret.put("lng", jsonObject.getJSONObject("geometry").getJSONObject("location").getString("lng")); logger.info("LAT:"+lat+";LNG:"+lng); JSONArray ja = jsonObject.getJSONArray("address_components"); for(int l=0; l<ja.length(); l++) { JSONObject curjo = ja.getJSONObject(l); String type = curjo.getJSONArray("types").getString(0); String short_name = curjo.getString("short_name"); if(type.equals("postal_code")) { logger.info("POSTAL_CODE: "+short_name); ret.put("zip", short_name); } else if(type.equals("administrative_area_level_3")) { logger.info("CITY: "+short_name); ret.put("city", short_name); } else if(type.equals("administrative_area_level_2")) { logger.info("PROVINCE: "+short_name); ret.put("province", short_name); } else if(type.equals("administrative_area_level_1")) { logger.info("REGION: "+short_name); ret.put("region", short_name); } } return ret; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } |