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Categoria: Programmazione

Delphi Linux getting MacAddress

In linux every adapter configuration has a file system path, for example the adapter eth0 has all configuration, in some text files located in “/sys/class/net/eth0/”. The file whose name is “address” contains a single line with the mac adrress value.


old style delphi records really helpfull to manage serial protocols

      thank’s to my self obviusly

Delphi Tips…. string to stream

Manage a System.string as buffer to copy content of string into a generic TStream:


RadStudio 10.4 – Prime impressioni

RadStudio 10.4 è una release che promette grandi cose in tutte le aree di questo fantastico ambiente di sviluppo. Facendo un primo giro di test abbiamo notato: Nelle applicazioni FMX abbiamo notato un notevole miglioramento del render dei caratteri Il nuovo sistema LSP (language server protocol) sembra aver reso l’IDE ancora più fluido e produttivo…
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How to Hide Div when Click Outside of the Element using jQuery

Hide element on click outside, is a must-have functionality for the dropdown menu. Apart from that, it also used in some situations where you need to hide div when the user clicks outside of this element. You can easily hide div or element when click outside of it using jQuery. In the example code snippet,…
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TCriticalSection Threrad Example Delphi

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