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Autore: Ivan Revelli

Digital Innovation Partner

Firebird Performance Tour 2019 – Prague

  Synaptica has always adopted Firebird as its main database environment for the realization of many solutions from embedded iot products to Web solutions with thousands of daily accesses. Firebird proved to be a great tool, flexible and easy to manage. For this reason we could not miss the appointment to meet the creators (Dmitry…
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smartFB a free tool for Interbase & Firebird

SmartFB is a free SQL client for Interbase and Firebird made for internal / educational use. As we think it will be useful we decided to make it available for download. It is in “beta” version, but I think it could be useful, so you can download it from the following links: – Download Windows…
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Firebird 3.0 & Ubuntu Server 18.04

Primo test di porting database alla versione Firebird 3.0 che è la versione ufficialmente afficancata ai pacchetti di distribuzione standard di Ubuntu nella versione LTS attuale 18.04. Le differenze tra la versione 3.0 di FB e le precedenti sono moltissime. Ma i passaggi sono abbastanza semplici per effettuare il porting dalle versioni precedenti alla attuale…
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NTP – Syncronize date time with internet service with Ubuntu 18.04

Setting date time daemon and timezone of my locale on my ubuntu 18.04 servers: Install NTP daemon: sudo apt install ntp Configure your locale time zone by checking the list: timedatectl list-timezones In my case: sudo timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Rome

Welcome VR6 @ Synaptica Farm

Welcome to VR6 @ Synaptica Farm VR6 is a fully customized Dell R740XD dual Xeon performance server for high performance in the KVM Virtualization System. Higher performance less core (on 18 per processor) more frequency (plus 3Ghz) memory RDIMM ECC 2666GHz … less virtual machine but faster. Why VR6? Each production server in Synaptica has…
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Mount HPFS and HPFS+ on ubuntu in Read&Write

Mountin a drive formatted with MacOSX HPFS or HPFS+ on ubuntu 18.04: