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Tag: zk

Digital Innovation Partner

Creating a new ZK JPA project

Hi, Maybe the issue addressed by this article could appear slightly prosaic for a develper familiar with Eclipse IDE. But for me, coming from a Java development based on Netbeans IDE, this step was not so simple… This article absolutely should not be intended as a comparison between the two development IDEs! Having said that,…
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ZK Component extractor

Hello, today we share a little tool for extracting components name and id from a standard zul file. The idea behind this tool borns after reading this small talk by Ashish Dasnurkar and after a comment on his works. I think in ZK there are many ways to access components from controller class (i.e. getFellow(), Composer, CDI…)…
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ZK Calendar 2.0 for Zkoss 5.0

[lang_it] Oggi è stata rilasciata la seconda versione del calendario di ZK ( articolo ufficiale : , non ho resistito son subito andato a provare la demo all’indirizzo La mia prima impressione è che sia molto ma molto più veloce delle precedenti, non sò bene perchè ma questa mi è balzata immediatamente all’occhio,…
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ZK Calendar is ready !!!

Some week ago, we were pleased to view a preview of ZK Calendar from zkoss web site… it was vary complete tool for planning systems. Now it is ready to download from following this link. Just now i’ve tried the live demo and it appear very smart to use and fast. It appears very…
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Shareteam Alpha Preview

This video shows one of the project synaptica are working on. It’s an alpha stage but the new technology (ZK) to build RIA application really rocks!

zk nominated by us

we like the zk framework for building web application, so we decided to support it giving our nominations under “best project for enterprise”.