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Tag: triggers

Digital Innovation Partner

Oracle Tips #4 [Trigger : Mutating Tables & Autonomos Transactions]

Oracle Version : 10g As you know inside a Oracle row trigger you cannot access to the base table, for example when you make a trigger like this, on a table named “activity“. CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER UNAME.ACTIVITY_FK_MENU_INTEGRITY AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE ON UNAME.ACTIVITY REFERENCING NEW AS New OLD AS Old FOR EACH ROW DECLARE…
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FlameRobin 0.9.0 released

FlameRobin is an open source and cross platform database administration tool for Firebird DBMS. some info : Project Site : Dev.Tools/Lang : C++ download site : (high lights) New features – 100% Firebird 2.1 compatible – Tab-based property pages for database object (like Firefox browser) – DataGrid: load and save to file options…
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