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Tag: oracle

Digital Innovation Partner

Hand made Url Encode or Decode

Sometime happen that you need to encode or decode an url manually , so not soo much characters need to be converteted to encode or decode an url string. In this post some example you can drag and use or modify. In recent version of Delphi you can use standard Delphi routine contained in the…
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Oracle tip #8 [Enable apex not only for localhost]

After installing Oracle 10g on an Ubuntu 9.04 system, i found that the Apex application was enabled only for the localhost. Some time is necessary open or close the access of apex from remote. To do this is only need to access to your oracle system by a dba user and run this sql command:…
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Extend swap file on Ubuntu

Sometimes happen that you need to extend the swap space on your system, so it happens to me when i tried to install Oracle10ex on my ubuntu system. So i found the solution on this ubuntu forum : To extend the swap file to 1gb : First, create a large empty file: Code: sudo…
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Oracle Tips 7 [ora 12519 tnsno appropriate service handler found]

Using JDBC with Oracle 10g i found this error : “ora 12519 tnsno appropriate service handler found”, today i found an article on Internet about. I only execute on apex query : ALTER SYSTEM SET PROCESSES=150 SCOPE=SPFILE; after that i restarted my Oracle10gXe server on my server, and all works well !!! incredible

Oracle Tips #6 [Metadata Info X]

In Oracle ,to get some ddl information and source you can call system tables like user_objects. So with a particular function called DBMS_METADATA.GET_DDL you can have the entire source of an object passing two parameter : first: the object type and the second parameter is the name of the object that you want to know…
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Oracle Tips #5 [Exception on the fly]

[lang_en] To raise an Exception from a Trigger, Stored Procedure or Function without needing anything you can use the function : raise_application_error. Syntax : raise_application_error(<your exception integer code>, <your string description>); Per scatenare un eccezione da un Trigger o una Stored Procedure o una Funzione Oracle si può semplicemente utilizzare la funzione di sistema :…
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