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Tag: oracle

Oracle Tips #4 [Trigger : Mutating Tables & Autonomos Transactions]

Oracle Version : 10g As you know inside a Oracle row trigger you cannot access to the base table, for example when you make a trigger like this, on a table named “activity“.

when you try to use the table making an update happen this : To avoid this error and obviusly assuming the…
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Oracle Tips #3 [Extract Metadata Info ]

by using some simple view in Oracle you can extract a lot of information about your DB schema, some explicit samples : (assuming that MyDBOwner is the owner of the DB and ACTIVITY is a table of a schema, this sample is succesfully tested on Oracle 10g)

a great article about this is :…
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Oracle Tips #1 [Common Functions]

I just starting on using Oracle 10g …. how to 1 : how retrive a guid from Oracle

how to 2 : how retrive next value from a Sequence

how to 3 : Oracle db Link , how to manage sql between multiple schema … With DB Link you can produce sql /…
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Oracle 10g and XML

PLSQL is a world …. and Oracle an incredible RDBMS, so if you want to produce XML from query or manage XML inside your PLSQL Trigger or Procedure you can in different ways …. One of the most simple way is using the Oracle function to do that, like :

only with this piece…
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How to create a table from a select

sometime happen that you need to create a table from a query… now we can assume that you have old_table and you wanna build a copi of entire data into another table new_table… This operation is not a standard sql but a lot DataBases can do this : in Oracle you can do this like…
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