SELECT * from dba_data_files; select sum(bytes / (1024*1024)) “DB Size in MB” from dba_data_files;
To set in a single session the decimal separator, for example when you need to cast some string in numbers you can use the next istruction : ALTER SESSION SET NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS =’. ‘; in this case the “decimal separator” is the point “.”. if you want the parameter is set inside a procedure or a…
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In Oracle there are two usefull function to format a timestamp to string and vceversa…. To format a date to string you can use TO_CHAR function like this: SELECT TO_CHAR(sysdate, ‘DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SSxFF’) from dual; For viceversa To format a string to date you can use TO_ function like this: SELECT TO_DATE(‘2003/07/09’, ‘yyyy/mm/dd’) from dual; The…
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Come è noto a tutti in Oracle è presente l’applicazione a riga di comando sqlplus (potentissima), una tip molto interessante è la possibilità di eseguire al volo script presenti su file o stored procedure da una signola linea di codice shell. Come pre-requisito è necessario configurare la home directory di Oracle cone descritto nell’articolo Oracle…
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How to set Oracle Home directory. the script was tested on Oracle 10g and uBuntu 9.04 system…. export ORACLE_HOME=/usr/lib/oracle/xe/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/server export ORACLE_SID=XE $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus /nolog