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Categoria: Articoli

Digital Innovation Partner

Tomcat virtual host

This mini howto to show how to configure a virtual host on tomcat. This use HTTP 1.1 feature so with one single IP and one single Tomcat server you can virtually host infinite domains. Edit the file %TOMCAT_HOME%/conf/server.xml Under the tag host (the one setted by default for localhost) add the following line: Obviously you…
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Hot Article on Async Methods on Asp.Net page with C#

Today i found a great article on Async page technology of DotNet, posted on the davidjberman blog.. you can find the resource at:

How to create a table from a select

sometime happen that you need to create a table from a query… now we can assume that you have old_table and you wanna build a copi of entire data into another table new_table… This operation is not a standard sql but a lot DataBases can do this : in Oracle you can do this like…
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DotNet tips , change onmouseover cursors … with some strange problems with browsers

as all of us that work with DotNet to producing Web Application and fight with company styles, some times we need to change some attributes of style in a page…. now i need to change the cursor pointer from ‘default’ to ‘hand’ on a asp button, as we now with di MS DotNet framework 2.0…
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zk nominated by us

we like the zk framework for building web application, so we decided to support it giving our nominations under “best project for enterprise”.

Google Gmail Down Error 67 (updated)

UPDATE – Problema rientrato 11:37 AM The problem with Google Mail should be resolved. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience and continued support. — Problemi di Servizio per Gmail, sono già  10 minuti che il web server risponde Temporary Error (500) l’errore specifico è il 67, ancora nessuna dichiarazione da…
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