L’inversione di tendenza ? ma speriamo di no, che l’Open Source abbia permesso a milioni di società e di individui singoli di poter accedere ,e dare il proprio contributo ,a Software prima inarrivabili è ormai noto. Era normale aspettarsi che tutti coloro che giustamente vivono sulle licenze dei “loro” software non vedano di buon occhio…
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by using some simple view in Oracle you can extract a lot of information about your DB schema, some explicit samples : (assuming that MyDBOwner is the owner of the DB and ACTIVITY is a table of a schema, this sample is succesfully tested on Oracle 10g) — LIST OF USERS select OWNER,COUNT(DISTINCT TABLE_NAME) from…
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(This article is a draft but if something is of interesting …. ) The fantastic world of old Midas now called DataSnap introduced the TClientDataSet component , that is a in memory DataSet for Delphi and C++ Builder. With TClientDataSet was introduced the concept of Brief Case model Application Style. A brief case model App.…
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Delphi was born exactly fifteen years ago from Today, Marco Cantu on his web site have posted a great article on this because he is one of the first guru of this beatifull dev language… the article
this article is a draft, but i published it because if you need something of that the resources that i found on internet are very interesting. mission of the post : mixing dynaic query and functions to allow join from db2db Dynamic SQL Great Article : http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B19306_01/appdev.102/b14261/dynamic.htm#CHDGJEGD Dreate functions and consuming inside SQL , a…
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[lang_it] Oggi è stata rilasciata la seconda versione del calendario di ZK ( articolo ufficiale : http://www.zkoss.org/product/zkcalendar.dsp) , non ho resistito son subito andato a provare la demo all’indirizzo http://zcal.zkoss.org/. La mia prima impressione è che sia molto ma molto più veloce delle precedenti, non sò bene perchè ma questa mi è balzata immediatamente all’occhio,…
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