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Categoria: Programmazione

Digital Innovation Partner

DotNet tips , change onmouseover cursors … with some strange problems with browsers

as all of us that work with DotNet to producing Web Application and fight with company styles, some times we need to change some attributes of style in a page…. now i need to change the cursor pointer from ‘default’ to ‘hand’ on a asp button, as we now with di MS DotNet framework 2.0…
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Create an invisible application with Delphi

[lang_it] produrre un applicazione non visibile con Delphi è un gioco da ragazzi. per nascondere il form principale dell’applicazione dovete semplicemente aggiungere la seguente riga al codice del vs. progetto : Application.ShowMainForm:=False; esempio concreto, modifico il “dpr” della mia applicazione: program Project1; uses Forms, Unit1 in ‘Unit1.pas’ {Form1}, Unit2 in ‘Unit2.pas’ {DataModule2: TDataModule}, Unit3 in…
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Image Galleries on Your WebSite

today i worked to put some image galleries on my personal web site that i’m working on. i found some cool stuff at : – NextGenGalleries (a plugin for WordPress) that include a varius number of tecnoligies and extend the wordpress admin page to manage galleries – Cooliris (a flash framework) to view galleries from…
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Evalutation on Delphi Prims

[Lang_it] Prima prova sul campo del fatidico prism… Domani da un cliente ho un workshop per migrare l’architettura attuale basata su COM e socket verso i Web Service… e dato che loro sono in molti ad usare Delphi, quale migliore occasione? Per farsi un giro su questo nuovo promettente ambiente di sviluppo… noi programmatori siamo…
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A Review of the Language Features in Delphi 2009

From CodeGear blogs i found this great document that is only a review of new features of Delphi, but there are some great samples inside about “Generics” and “Anonymous Methods” resource: A Review of the Language Features in Delphi 2009 you can buy find Delphi 2009 at : CheckOutSoftware Hours:7:00am – 4:00pm P.S.T. Monday to…
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Skype Integration

The famous Skype application …. i don’t need to explain more about. This video explain how to use skype from your Delphi applications, and is an official CodeGear video specialized for skype integration. We know that the Skype Windows Client is made with Delphi and Indy components….. So the skype api cen be used from…
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