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Categoria: c

Digital Innovation Partner

nice C++ tutorial for beginners, from embarcadero

Those sections of C++ tutorials are very simple. Otherwise they explain the differences between Delphi (pascal) language and C++. Good job: Session 1: Session 2:

Delphi openGL and 3ds files….

Ambiente di sviluppo : Microsoft Visual C++ , Delphi 7.0, GNU GCC Come tutti ormai credo sappiano Borland include una libreria per la gestione dell’OpenGl che appunto si chiama OpenGl.pas che a sua volta mappa per windows buona parte dei metodi contenuti nella dll di sistema ‘opengl32.dll’. Questa libreria funziona molto bene, ed in passato…
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FlameRobin 0.9.0 released

FlameRobin is an open source and cross platform database administration tool for Firebird DBMS. some info : Project Site : Dev.Tools/Lang : C++ download site : (high lights) New features – 100% Firebird 2.1 compatible – Tab-based property pages for database object (like Firefox browser) – DataGrid: load and save to file options…
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JNI Interface used to integrate static C++/Delphi Library in Java

Today i found some great post to make an integration between JAVA and static library genetated with C++ using JNI. post links : stay tuned ivan…