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Digital Innovation Partner

A Review of the Language Features in Delphi 2009

From CodeGear blogs i found this great document that is only a review of new features of Delphi, but there are some great samples inside about “Generics” and “Anonymous Methods” resource: A Review of the Language Features in Delphi 2009 you can buy find Delphi 2009 at : CheckOutSoftware Hours:7:00am – 4:00pm P.S.T. Monday to…
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Eclipse Portable

I actually work with a unprivileged machine (that’s a common situation in big company), but i want to work with eclipse on that machine!!! Eclipse isn’t a problem, you can install just unpacking it! but when i launch the application an error message is displayed “you java JVM (1.4.2) isn’t suitable for this product”. I…
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Intel Core i7

In October at “Eco-Nehalem” briefing in San Francisco , intel has presented the new family of quad core processor code name Nehalem. Some specification of this processor : Quad-core 731 million transistors (incredible !!!) 45nm process technology. ovviamente 64bit 2.66 GHz to 3.2 GHz Core Name: Bloomfield Socket B (LGA 1366) 8MB 3rd Level Cache…
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Installing Axis on Windows

What’s Axis? In order to install Axis you must have: Apache tomcat installed. Tomcat home (this tutorial use version 5.5) Java JDK installed. Java 1.5 Home (this tutorial use JDK 5.0 Update 16) Now starts the installation: Download Axis from here (this tutorial use version 1.4) Download JavaBeans activation framework JAF Unpack Axis archive to…
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Linux on the iPhone

iPhone Linux Demonstration Video from planetbeing on Vimeo.

FFMPEG – Il meglio!!

Alcune cose sono sempre le migliori!! MPlayer e VLC restano veramente incontrastati nel panorama dei player multimediali. MPlayer per le sue eccezionali doti di velocità  e supporto formati è veramente una figata, leggerissimo completamente open-source, mentre VLC per il suo fantastico cross-platform e le doti di Viedo Streamig da TV. C’è da chiedersi com’è possibile…
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