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Digital Innovation Partner

Delphi openGL and 3ds files….

Ambiente di sviluppo : Microsoft Visual C++ , Delphi 7.0, GNU GCC Come tutti ormai credo sappiano Borland include una libreria per la gestione dell’OpenGl che appunto si chiama OpenGl.pas che a sua volta mappa per windows buona parte dei metodi contenuti nella dll di sistema ‘opengl32.dll’. Questa libreria funziona molto bene, ed in passato…
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Waiting Firebird 3.0 …. external procedure in Java, really ?

External Java Procedures Plug-in a plug in for FB 3.0 done by Adriano dos Santos Fernandes, 6 July 2009 from Firebird official site: I’m pleased to announce that the first test version of my Firebird/Java plugin (“FB/Java”) is available to test. FB/Java is a plugin for the Firebird “external engines” feature to be introduced in…
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Hand made XML – HTML

Sometime,appen is required to produce an Xml Document where you can’t have a good Xml parser or for perfomance you can’t use that , so you need to encode and decode it manually to produce or read a standard document. Assuming thay you need create a simple Xml file like : Worng Xml file :…
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why Delphi ….

Today i post this comment on this page published by Jolyon Smith : For me corss-platform is a priority, Delphi remain at now the best solution for native code under Windows. Is really that DotNet is a good architecture, but now with virtualization and cloud computing , native code can have a new sense, not…
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Firefox 3.5 is out…

First test on FireFox 3.5, now i’ve installed on my WinXP Virtual Machine the new version of Firefox , some details about that: – Windows Installer Size : 7.5Mbytes (soo small) GOOD – Installation time < 10s AMAZING – Speed test on heavy ZK Application “ShareTeam”, the speed of processing javascript is faster than the…
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Back from London …. Emabrcadero Workshop

Questa settimana abbiamo fatto una visitina a Londra al fine di partecipare al “Embarcadero Technologies Developer Workshop”, dove era presente David Intersimone “Chief Evangelist of Embarcadero”. A questa sessione erano presenti diversi membri della comunità  Delphi Inglese, che è una comunità  di sviluppatori molto attiva. Gli argomenti affrontati da David I.sono stati molti, cercherò di…
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