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Tag: XML

Digital Innovation Partner

Oracle 10g and XML

PLSQL is a world …. and Oracle an incredible RDBMS, so if you want to produce XML from query or manage XML inside your PLSQL Trigger or Procedure you can in different ways …. One of the most simple way is using the Oracle function to do that, like : SELECT sys_xmlgen(pk_id) from sellers; SELECT…
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Simplest working example of REST json and xml

Hello folks, Today i will show you a complete working REST example with Glassfish V3. I am very happy of the new java EE 6 specification that brings me to use EJB technology. Before now i never used EJB cause there was too much complexity in configuration. Now you have to use only few annotation and…
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Hand made XML – HTML

Sometime,appen is required to produce an Xml Document where you can’t have a good Xml parser or for perfomance you can’t use that , so you need to encode and decode it manually to produce or read a standard document. Assuming thay you need create a simple Xml file like : Worng Xml file :…
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