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Tag: webservices

Digital Innovation Partner

Consumare i Webservices di Delphi Prism (Oxygene) con Delphi7 Win32

In questo articolo illustrerò brevemente gli strumenti utilizzati, un pò di storia e la soluzione al problema nato utilizzando Delphi7 in combinazione con Prism. Il client del webservice è sviluppato in Delphi: Delphi è un ambiente di sviluppo software per applicazioni Microsoft Windows (Win32), sviluppato originariamente da Borland e ora di proprietà  della Embarcadero Technologies. Delphi…
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Installing Axis on Windows

What’s Axis? In order to install Axis you must have: Apache tomcat installed. Tomcat home (this tutorial use version 5.5) Java JDK installed. Java 1.5 Home (this tutorial use JDK 5.0 Update 16) Now starts the installation: Download Axis from here (this tutorial use version 1.4) Download JavaBeans activation framework JAF Unpack Axis archive to…
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Deploying web service with Java and Axis

In this article we see how can we deploy a web service, you need to have apache, tomcat and axis up and running. To publish a simple webservice: Create a simple text file, for example “Somma.jws” like this public class Somma { public int somma(int a, int b) { return a+b; } } Put this…
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