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Installing Axis on Windows

Installing Axis on Windows

What’s Axis?

In order to install Axis you must have:

  • Apache tomcat installed. Tomcat home (this tutorial use version 5.5)
  • Java JDK installed. Java 1.5 Home (this tutorial use JDK 5.0 Update 16)

Now starts the installation:

  1. Download Axis from here (this tutorial use version 1.4)
  2. Download JavaBeans activation framework JAF
  3. Unpack Axis archive to your deploy directory.
  4. Copy the directory <axis deploy dir>\webapps under the <tomcat deploy dir>\webapps
  5. Copy the file “activation.jar” under some directory under the classpath or visible to tomcat (i choose <tomcat deploy dir>\shared\lib)
  6. Configure the system environment variable (System properties > tab Advanced > Environment Variables ) as follow: (according to you axis and java 1.5 SDK deploy directory)
    set AXIS_HOME=c:\axis
    set AXIS_LIB=%AXIS_HOME%\lib
    set AXISCLASSPATH=%AXIS_LIB%\axis.jar;%AXIS_LIB%\commons-discovery.jar;
    set JAVA_HOME=c:\Java\jdk1.5.0_16

go to page: http://localhost:8080/axis/happyaxis.jsp to test installaion

Follow this article to test your fresh installation with some custom webservices.

For different OS you have only to change Environment Variables section accordingly to your situation.

Have a nice day

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Una risposta.

  1. Riccardo ha detto:

    Some warning message is printed from the client of the services until you provide this jar to the classpath: mailapi.jar. available from

    In the client side you need also the activation.jar

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