Oracle Version : 10g As you know inside a Oracle row trigger you cannot access to the base table, for example when you make a trigger like this, on a table named “activity“. CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER UNAME.ACTIVITY_FK_MENU_INTEGRITY AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE ON UNAME.ACTIVITY REFERENCING NEW AS New OLD AS Old FOR EACH ROW DECLARE…
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by using some simple view in Oracle you can extract a lot of information about your DB schema, some explicit samples : (assuming that MyDBOwner is the owner of the DB and ACTIVITY is a table of a schema, this sample is succesfully tested on Oracle 10g) — LIST OF USERS select OWNER,COUNT(DISTINCT TABLE_NAME) from…
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Sometime,appen is required to produce an Xml Document where you can’t have a good Xml parser or for perfomance you can’t use that , so you need to encode and decode it manually to produce or read a standard document. Assuming thay you need create a simple Xml file like : Worng Xml file :…
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