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Tag: sql

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Oracle Tip – Set Decimal separator for an oracle session

To set in a single session the decimal separator, for example when you need to cast some string in numbers you can use the next istruction : ALTER SESSION SET NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS =’. ‘; in this case the “decimal separator” is the point “.”. if you want the parameter is set inside a procedure or a…
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VBS – Access to DTS object in Sql-Server 2000

  ‘********************************************************************** ‘  Visual Basic ActiveX Script ‘************************************************************************ Function Main()              Dim oPkg, oStep              ‘ACCEDI AL MAIN OBJ DEL PACKAGE IN CUI è COMPRESO LO SCRIPT Set oPkg = DTSGlobalVariables.Parent   ‘ACCEDI ALL’ELENCO DEGLI STEPS DTS              set oStep = oPkg.Steps(“DTSStep_DTSActiveScriptTask_3”)             ‘ oStep.ExecutionResult =   DTSTaskExecResult_Success              msgbox(oStep.ExecutionResult)              oStep.ExecutionResult = 0         Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success End Function  

MySQL Windows 32bit e 3GB

Una domanda che salta fuori spesso è “Quanta memoria puo’ usare mysql sul mio sistema ?” Come saprete mysqld-nt.exe viene eseguito in un singolo processo con vari thread; dunque il limite d’uso della memoria è fissato dai limiti imposti dallo stesso sistema operativo per il singolo processo. Sistemi operativi differenti, hanno limiti differenti; dipendenti anche…
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Oracle Tips #5 [Exception on the fly]

[lang_en] To raise an Exception from a Trigger, Stored Procedure or Function without needing anything you can use the function : raise_application_error. Syntax : raise_application_error(<your exception integer code>, <your string description>); Per scatenare un eccezione da un Trigger o una Stored Procedure o una Funzione Oracle si può semplicemente utilizzare la funzione di sistema :…
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Oracle Tips #4 [Trigger : Mutating Tables & Autonomos Transactions]

Oracle Version : 10g As you know inside a Oracle row trigger you cannot access to the base table, for example when you make a trigger like this, on a table named “activity“. CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER UNAME.ACTIVITY_FK_MENU_INTEGRITY AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE ON UNAME.ACTIVITY REFERENCING NEW AS New OLD AS Old FOR EACH ROW DECLARE…
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Oracle Tips #1 [Common Functions]

I just starting on using Oracle 10g …. how to 1 : how retrive a guid from Oracle select sys_guid() from dual; how to 2 : how retrive next value from a Sequence select [your sequence name].nextval into from dual ; how to 3 : Oracle db Link , how to manage sql between multiple…
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