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Categoria: databases

Orace Tips – Recursive query

Firebird Sql Tips… Enable or Disable all trigger via sql

To enable and disable all triggers of a database i do two procedure : Enabling all database trigger:

Disabling all database trigger:

Firebird SQL & Interbase list of all foreign keys

With that simple peace of code you can retrive the full list of all “FK” Foreign Key of an Interbase or Firebird DB.

The Haversine formula in Firebird SQL => Calculate distance between two WGS84 Points

Hi, I think might be helpful, today for a customer i do the Haversine formulas for Firebird Sql as a stored procedure. This formula allow you to calculate the distance in meter between two WGS84 datum points(degree points of Earth). You can call the procedure like this:

The result wil be aprox 14Km, the…
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Firebird embedded on mac-osx

Users/ivanrevelli/Downloads/ cd Users/ivanrevelli/Downloads/ Users/ivanrevelli/Downloads/

Oracle reset user password, lock/unlock user